20. Diagon Ally

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Mine and Draco's life over the summer changes quite a lot. Bellatrix killed Sirius. I haven't had much sleep and my uncle has been preparing us for back to school and how we must act. Draco got his dark mark, I however haven't got mine yet. Apparently me just being engaged to a Death Eater is enough, for now. Right now we're at Madam Malkins Robes For All Occasions. Draco is currently getting a new suit fitted
"Miss Silverling what do you think?" Madam Malkin asks me
"Not up to me is it, Draco?" I say looking up from the magazine I'm holding
"It's good. Just needs tailoring at the back" Draco says looking at himself in the mirror
"Ok, let me just..."
"Watch where your sticking that pin will you"
"My apologies Mr Malfoy. I'd like to hope you'll come here for your wedding dress and Suite fittings"
"Not if your sticking pins in him" I say bored flicking pages of Witches Weekly. I come across a page talking about how both my father and Lucius are now in Azkaban, and that Draco and I are engaged, come now that's old news. I'm so engrossed in reading the article I hadn't noticed anyone else enter the shop. That is until I hear Draco
"If your wondering what the smell is YN a mudblood has just walked in" I look up and see the golden trio
"I don't think there is any need for language like that" Madam Malkin says
"Who's given you a black eye Granger?" I ask looking at the girl
"Yeah, I'd like to send them flowers" Draco laughs causing Harry and Ron to lift up their wands
"That's quite enough put those wands away" I put down the magazine waiting for Harry to do as he had been told, but surprisingly he didn't
"This is what happens when you think your Dumbledore's favourite. You get a false sense of security. What are you going to do when he's not there to protect you?" I say getting up and into Harry's face
"He's not here now. So why don't we have a go. You never know, might be able to find a cell in Azkaban next to your father"
"Hey" Draco moves to stand next to me "don't you dare talk to YN like that"
"Look at that, he's trying to protect his fiancé"
"Draco it's fine leave it" I take his hand in mine then look at Harry "look around, notice how your the one who pulled a wand on us? we could have easily pulled one back, but we didn't.. nothing is as..."
"YN let's just go" Draco cuts me off takes off his robe and starts to walk out. When I catch up to him he scolds me by whispering "you need to be careful with what you say. No one can see that we're soft on them. It will put everyone in danger" he's right, how stupid of me I need to be more careful. I just wish we could tell Potter that we are trying to help, but the least amount of people who, the better.

Draco and I quickly slip into Knockturn Ally and go to Borgin And Burkes, an antique shop. Our job is to fix a vanishing cabinet that's at Hogwarts so the Death Eaters can enter. We pick up another one while we're there 
"Can you fix it?" Draco asks the greasy haired man after explaining the cabinet to him
"Maybe. I need to see it though so bring it into the shop"
"We can't. Just tell us how to fix it" I sigh. Borgin licks his lips nervously
"Well without seeing it, it will be a very difficult job, maybe even impossible"
"Oh really. Maybe this would make you more willing" Draco leans over the counter and shows his dark mark
"Oh and if you tell anyone, there will be consequences. Understand?" I smile at the man
"A family friend of mine, Fenrir Greyback will be dropping in time to time to make sure your working on our little problem"
"That's doesn't seem necessary"
"We'll decide what's necessary. Not a word to anyone, not even our mothers. Got it?" Draco says intimidatingly
"Yes. Not a word"
"Good" Draco and I turn and leave the shop making sure no one can see us before heading back to Diagon Ally
"He's asked me to kill Dumbledore" Draco says so quietly I can barely hear him
"What?" frowning I looking at Draco "no" I shake my head "no you can't" I whisper back
"I don't want to YN, but he said I have to because my father failed. I can't deny him because of the Dark Mark"
"We will think of something" I try to reassure him... I'll think of something. I can't let him become a murder at 17 because of Voldemort and this Dark Mark. Maybe Severus can help.

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