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Isoloses watched on bated breath as Naevys pulled off his pajama shirt, letting it fall down to the floor in a pile. Naevys smirked as he slipped his thumbs into the waistband of the criminally tight sleeping shorts he was wearing. They were a pair Isoloses had lost his mind over the first time he'd seen them, and Naevys seemed to highly enjoy driving Isoloses absolutely insane with desire. He wasn't complaining--he loved Naevys being a tease, no one else could tease him better. Vines curled around his wrists and pulled them together, tightening around them as Naevys pushed the shorts down over his long, pale thighs.

He was beautiful, lithe and small, a trait about elves that he found fascinating. All of them blur the lines of gender--though some outwardly show their gender in certain ways. It was a fifty fifty toss up on whether or not you were talking to a woman or a man because of how their physical bodies manifest. The men can carry children just the same as women, and their heat cycles work vastly different from demon cycles. Their heat cycles can fluctuate between what demons classify as heats and ruts--whatever position they usually take in bed is the one that they have. If they typically are penetrating, it manifests as what demons consider 'ruts' and if they are the one being penetrated it manifests as 'heat'. However, it makes it easier to reproduce. They aren't assigned alpha or omega pretty much, they get the fun without the same level of commitment that demons seemed to be embedded with.

Naevys crawled into the bed, his hand reaching down to curl around the base of Isoloses's already hard cock, squeezing it tightly. Isoloses groaned, his teeth sinking down into his lip as pain and pleasure curled through him. He couldn't help the way his heart sped up, his alpha trying to break free from its cage to put Naevys below him. He and his alpha fought on this, quite frequently, because while he enjoyed it, his alpha didn't. It was a conundrum, one that Isoloses was hard pressed to really give a shit about.

His alpha instincts were long ignored at this point. He'd never really fit into the 'alpha' category in his own mind. He fit the criteria, and there was an alpha inside of him--but it felt diluted at this point. Distant from himself, perhaps, or maybe just a thing that flares up like an off and on illness. Only, the cause of the flare up always was the same. Naevys. He fought his instincts hard when Naevys was with him.

He had theories on why, but he preferred not to think about it, because in his mind it was somewhat like touching lightning. He'd probably be better off not doing it.

He was pulled from his thoughts by the feeling of a slim vine curling around the base of his cock, making his eyes fly open. The vines didn't stop there, they continued up, weaving around his erection until it was in a diamond shaped pattern. Naevys smirked and the vines tightened just enough to make him gasp.

"Sex is a reward. Have you earned it?" The condescending tone in Naevys's voice had Isoloses's cock hardening, the vines biting into his cock a bit more as it tried to harden. He was going insane already and Naevys had just started with him. He was a weak man, and he didn't even care because holy Oriosis Naevys looked so damn beautiful pinning him down.

"I followed all of your instructions," Isoloses answered, squirming around a little as his cock hardening led to the vines tightening more. It hurt, but it wasn't too much. It hurt in the best way, and Isoloses was helplessly addicted to the pain. Naevys nodded his head, his shiny black hair shifting around on his head as he leaned down and ran his tongue along the underside of Isoloses's cock. Isoloses moaned, his head falling back against the soft pillow.

The vines on his cock worked their way down a bit before tightening and Isoloses's eyes rolled back as Naevys's fingernails ran over his cock teasingly. The sharp tips of Naevys's nails running over his cock made it jump in excitement. Naevys giggled a bit and slid his hand down to the base of his cock where the vines wrapped the thickest. Naevys smirked a bit and tilted his head to the side before dipping it down and taking the head of his cock into his mouth. Isoloses moaned loudly, shivers running down his spine as he pushed up into his mouth on instinct.

Once Fate Became Twisted | Man x Boy | ⅡTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang