Chapter 1

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It was a cold night. Liz and her father, Trunks, argued over her school work. She flew to the only place her kind felt comfortable, the forest. She wiped away her tears which didn't help much. She sat on a rock and sighed.

"Damn my life... Why did mom have to go help save the world from demons? I don't get it, it's pointless."

She sighed again. Her ears pricked up and twitched.


She looked in the direction of the noise trying to sense some energy. Nothing.

"That's weird."

Her nose twitched next. The air smelled funny.

"Did someone steal my dad's equipment or something? Smells like his lab, geez."

Liz walked over to where the scent was coming from. The closer she got, the more she could smell of another scent. The scent of blood.

I hope no one's hurt...

She broke into a run. Coming to a small clearing, she saw a boy lay unconscious on the ground. He had black hair, a bandana around his neck and shirt with two Rs on it. He looked awfully familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on it. he dead?

She slowly walked over until she heard a groan come from his lips.

No, just badly injured.

"E-excuse me... Are you ok?"

No response. He looked very attractive to Liz. The hair and facial expression caught her attention. After shaking her head to return to reality, she carefully picked him up and put him over her shoulder like a bag of potatoes.

Using her earth-based powers, she found a cave rather quickly. Being careful not to wake him, she placed him gently on the floor.

He looks pretty beat. Darn...

"I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere."

With that said, she left the cave to the lake.


She returned with a bucket of water in her hand. However, he wasn't there anymore. She looked around the cave and saw him sitting on a rock.

"Oh, so you're awake huh?"

He turned to the young part saiyan. She blushed as he looked at her with his beautiful blue eyes.

"Oh, so you're the one who brought me here."

"Oh uh...y-yeah."

"Well, what do you want?"

"Oh um...I saw that you were beaten pretty badly so I brung you here so I could heal you."

"Heal me?"

"Yeah. Don't worry, it won't hurt much."

"Whatever." he sighed.

He was truly mysterious. This only made him more attractive.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Liz Briefs."

"Briefs? Wait a're Vegeta's kid!?"

"Grandkid actually."

He fell on his bottom as he scurried away from her. Screaming: "Stay the hell away from me you nut job!"

"Nut job!? How dare you!?"

"You're freaking crazy!"

"Wait, how do you know my grandpa?"

"Wait, he hasn't told you about me?"


He let out a sigh.

"My name is Android 17. I was created by Dr. Gero but eventually killed him."


"He gave me human emotions."

"What's wrong with that?"

"I'm not a human. I'm an android. Well, technically cyborg but you get the idea."

"So what? My mom and I aren't human either but we still have the same emotions as them."

"You do?"

"Yep. Look, just let me heal you ok?"

17 didn't like her, he hated her for what her grandfather did. He annoyed him for far too long. But there was something about her that was different, she was nothing like Vegeta. She seemed kind and beautiful.

"Hey! Are you listening!?"

"Oh um...s-sorry."

She rolled her eyes and controlled the water setting it on his injured body. He flinched from the pain.

"Hey watch it!"

"Calm down."

She moved the water around, 17 felt calm. It was really smoothing. He liked the cold water on his scars and cuts. He closed his eyes and let the saiyan girl heal him.

After awhile, she set the water back into the bucket. She smiled at him.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I know it feels relaxing. Cool right?"


She looked beautiful like this. Her smile was amazing. He never felt like this before

Damn Gero for giving me these feelings. Am I actually falling for this hybrid? No, it can't be.

"Hey? Are you alright?"

"Oh, y-yes. I'm fine."

"We should probably stay here until you're fully healed. Can't risk it right?"

"I suppose you have a point."


She stood up and threw him something wrapped in a piece of cloth. He opened it and inside was...a gun?

"For protection." she said while exiting the cave.

"Where are you going?"

"To get food. You might not need it but I do."

She entered the forest but turned back as he yelled the words: "Wait!"

"What is it?"

"C-can you get me some too?"

"Sure. No problem."

There she went with that smile again.

"See ya!"

She took off to the sky, leaving the confused android in the cave.

How is she related to Vegeta? he thought to himself. She's nothing like him...

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