CHAPTER 9: The beginning after the end pt II

Start from the beginning

Finally letting go of her I asked her a question that I desperately wanted to know

" How?" My voice was weak and with my face covered in tears and eyes red from crying, I really looked like a kid

" I don't know, it just happened" She answered, her face red like a tomato and her eyes weren't any better

' she is probably embarrassed '

' princess...'



I was met with a judgemental comment and silence from Regis, Sylvie, and Dawn

" Did... you also?" She asked, unable to voice what she wanted to say, but it was apparent what her question was

" No, I..." then I proceeded to tell her a story of how I regressed and everything that led to it

I told her some things about war, Alcarya, and Ephoteus... but I avoided the Uto topic

" You were through so much huh..." She said and looked down, it seemed like tears that formed during my story were about to leave her eyes

There were a couple of moments of silence until I noticed that our faces were coming closer

The time seemed to slow down. I saw her getting closer, her sakura-colored lips were getting closer to mine. We closed our eyes. Our lips were just a couple of millimeters away from touching...

From kissing

" Note, is everything okay?" I heard Jasmine call me from the other side of the temporary toilet

Being brought back to reality by Jasmine, Alea and I separated and blushed heavily from embarrassment

I put on my mask to hide my blushing face while Alea tried to hide her face in the back of her right hand while holding the left side of her chest with her left hand

" I-I should go or Jasmine will worry"

" U-um" She nodded and I left back to the camp

I came to Jasmine and sat next to her, not even bothering to say anything

" What took you so long?" She asked me and tilted her head

" No-nothing" I still couldn't speak normally due to what happened just now

She just looked at me and I swear to God that I could see an "?" above her head

' Seems like I avoided the bullet here'

Soon after Alea came back from the "toilet" and this didn't go unnoticed by Jasmine

She had a confused expression for a couple of seconds until her face turned into that of shock and realization

Her emotionless eyes were wide and her mouth was so open that I wanted to say the same thing that Sylvia used to ' Bugs will fly into your mouth if you keep it open that wide'

She just looked at me with eyes that told me that I will have to explain everything later

' seems like I talked too soon '


After we were done eating we decided on the night shifts

They will go as follow

Note and Alea

Gerd and Maria

Jasmine and one of our conjurers El

And conjurers Loyd and Lucia

After making sure that everyone except me and Alea went to sleep I finally took off my mask

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