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"Bella!! Are you even listening to me?" I asked being frustrated as the girl finally took off her earphones

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"Bella!! Are you even listening to me?" I asked being frustrated as the girl finally took off her earphones.

Both of us were walking to the café in the evening, Bella for her job and me for my regular dose of happiness- Seokjin or Yoongi's food.

"Yes I listened to your whole story," she stated, careless.

"So? What do you think?? Isn't it something really very strange that Jimin helped me and ate from my hand?"

"No it isn't," she replied, "Well, ofcourse it's something surprising to you but for me it's not. I told you that the plushy is mysterious. It brings our loved ones closer to us."

"That's nonsense," I said with rolling my eyes , "How on earth a plushy can make your loved one love you back?"

"Then you think what happened with you and Jimin today in the practical room was a dream?" Bella quirked an eyebrow.

"....that, that is... something surprising but I don't believe that the plushy is behind it," I said.

"It's up to you sis ," Bella shrugged, " All I want you to share your story with that plushy. Even if you don't believe it's power but you can still share your feelings with it which you never do with me , Jungkook or any of the boys."

I left a sigh before looking at the ground, not understanding what should I feel. Happy for Jimin's action today? Or sad because I know he'll not gonna be like this anymore?


"So that's what happened today," I explained the whole thing about me and Jimin to the giant teddy plushy sitting across me while eating.

"Jimin literally asked me to feed him. He asked Soobin to leave and helped me. Ok I agree that Soobin was sick and being a nice person Jimin asked him to leave and helped me. But about the fruit eating? Was he really that hungry to make me feed him?" I asked only to see the plushy sitting there with it's signature smile.

"That cannot be right? He'll return to his previous self again and I'll keep on remembering our moment of today. It'll hurt me more...," I sighed looking at the bowl while mixing sauce with the spaghetti.

"Why did he do this today? He knows I love him, still....," I muttered before leaving a deep sigh and leaned against the backrest of my chair.

The teddy sat there, just the way it was from the very beginning. He never speaks, never gets mad, never makes a sad face. He just smiles always, no matter what.

"I wish I could smile like you always," I muttered followed by a light chuckle.

"And I wish I could tell all this to Jimin the way I'm telling you."

Why does it feel like this plushy really listens to me? Speaking with it feels like talking with someone really close, someone who understands me and always there to cheer me up. But all this plushy does , is smiling to me.

"Will you ever talk?" I asked gaining no response as usual.

"What if someday, you suddenly talk?" I asked again knowing that there'll be no answer ever.

Probably in fairytales, which kids get to hear from there parents during bedtime, the plushy would suddenly talk. Suddenly would hug the person who talks with it. Suddenly would wipe her tears.

But I'm in reality and this plushy is nothing but just a bunch of cottons inside.

I got up from my seat , ready to go home. But before leaving I held the plushy's fluffy hand . " Thanks for being my silent best friend," I smiled.

 " Thanks for being my silent best friend," I smiled

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