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The next day, 2 pm

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The next day, 2 pm.

And guess what? I was doing all the works again completely alone :)

Aera? She was absent.
Jungkook? His aunt needed blood in emergency and he's the one who provided the blood and guess what? Now doctors aren't letting him get up from bed until 42 hours passes.
Soobin? it's been almost 20 minutes he went to the washroom.
Jimin? Well I've no clue where on earth he is.

"Sorry for leaving you aloneee~!" Soobin's voice echoed all over the practical room as soon as he came back from the restroom.

"What took you so long Soobin-shi?" I asked.

"When I was coming back from the restroom, a girl started flirting with me. Had to do so many things to get rid of her," he replied with an exhausted sigh while walking up to me. "Girls like this are scary," he commented, frightened.

I chuckled at his cuteness and focused back on my work.

"What are you doing?" he asked.
"Trying to draw some new designs," I replied, not moving my eyes from the paper .
"How many designs are left?"
"5 more," I replied with a sigh before looking at him, "It's hard..."

He nodded with a slight pout, "It must be hard since you're in charge of making designs. And no one is helping you either."

"Umm...yeah, making designs alone is quite hard but Jungkook helped me a lot when he was here. But  since he's absent today, it's hard really," I said.

"Let me help you then," Soobin said before grabbing a paper and pencil.

I smiled, "Soobin-shi, did you ever draw any dress design? It's not that easy, leave it. I can do it."

"Heyy I'm a student of fashion designing too okay? Let me do it. Let's see what I can do. Tell me what type of dress you want," he asked.

"Well... draw a dress of a girl which falls up to knee. It shouldn't look too tight , not too loose. The collar has to be umm... just like shirts' and about sleeves, make them of full length. You can add some pretty laces at the edge of the sleeves," I explained.

Soobin kept staring at me for awhile before speaking, " Sounds complicated but, I'll try."

"Don't force yourself if you don't want to."

"Nah I can do it let me give a try," saying that he began to draw.

Minutes later I felt him poking my arms as I looked at him leaving my work, "yes?"

"Look I tried to make one...," he spoke hesitantly while pointing at his paper on the table.

I took the paper in my hand and started to scan it. Well, as a new designer he designed quite well, just a few things weren't perfect which can easily be changed.

"It's good," I said and flashed a smile, " You did quite well Soobin-shi."

"Really? Is it really good?" he asked, not believing my words.
"Yes it is," I nodded still plastering the smile.

The Mysterious Plushy || Park JiminOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora