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Park Jimin, my ultimate crush just entered the café

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Park Jimin, my ultimate crush just entered the café.

The last piece of sandwich dropped on the plate from my hand as I sat there frozen, completely shocked seeing the person I never in a million years thought to see here.

Looking effortlessly handsome with his hair dyed in black, a white tee hugging his body and a black
slim-fit pant covering his legs, he casually walked up to the counter.

Bella smiled seeing him as he smiled back before ordering something . My friend started to prepare his drink while talking with my crush, both of them looked quite close with each other.

How does she know him...?

They kept talking smilingly until Bella was done making an ice coffee and handed that to Jimin. Thanking her with a warm smile he turned around before leaning against the counter , now looking around all over the café, more like scanning it.

I was so shocked that I didn't even care to look elsewhere even after knowing that he was scanning the entire room. And yes, at one point his eyes fell on mine.

The slight smile of his face faded the moment he saw me. Did I just ruin his perfect morning?

He kept staring at me as he stood straight and I could feel the grip around his drink tightened. A frown appeared on his face.

Not so long after that he turned around in a fast pace to pat on Bella's shoulder who was back facing him. The counter was quite far from my seat.

Turning around, Bella rose an eyebrow at my crush as he started speaking. All his words were inaudible to me.

But I got to know he was talking about me when Bella slightly looked at my direction. I immediately looked away before secretly looking back at them and found Jimin saying something which caused Bella's eyes to grow wide.

"It's her??" I could read her mouth and as a response Jimin nodded.

What can probably be the thing that Jimin told about me? Maybe telling her how much bothered he is about me?

They talked for awhile before Jimin left the café, not bothered to greet me with a 'Good morning' neither to look at me for the last time.

Leaving a sigh I looked back at the last piece of sandwich on my plate, all the appetite I had even just a few minutes ago wasn't present anymore.

Most of the customers left and now the café was less crowded. I was sitting on my seat, thinking about the whole thing about Jimin today.

He really doesn't like me, does he? If he did, he would not leave the café just like that . He didn't even finish his drink. I could feel the hatred he has for me. And I always knew, he doesn't like me at all.

But still...



It hurts.

The Mysterious Plushy || Park JiminHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin