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"I'm so full," Namjoon gagged while massaging hisstomach

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"I'm so full," Namjoon gagged while massaging his

"Ugh why does hyungs cook so good? I can't control
my mouth," Hoseok complained yet complemented.

Everyone was half laying on the chairs while Bella
and Taehyung were cleaning up the table.

Stretching the arms Seokjin stood up, "Guys pack
your stuffs. Time to go home."

"Why so soon hyung~?" Jimin, the owner of the café whined while holding the older boy's hand.

"Because it's getting late and I can't let any of you to
be in danger. Now let's go," Seokjin ordered as we
lazily obeyed.

Namjoon and Yoongi left together since they're
neighbours. Hoseok piggybacked the sleeping
Jungkook and left with Seokjin in his car.

Jimin locked the café's main entrance before coming
back to join us. It was now me, Bella, Taehyung and Jimin who were left.

"Jimin-ah, I'm leaving with Taehyung," Bella informed while holding Taehyung's arm.

"Where are you going?" Jimin asked.

"We will just walk around," Taehyung replied.

"What do you mean by walk around at this hour?? I
can't let my sister to be together at this hour with her
boyfriend," Jimin stated, acting like a protective

"Yo she's 'MY' 'Girlfriend' okay?" Taehyung growled.

"And she's 'MY' 'Sister' you get me?" Jimin growled
back as the two best friends playfully stared
intensely at each other as if world war 3 was about to

Both mine and Bella's eyes met as we giggled.
And in the end Jimin had no option but to let go of
his sister.

Taehyung and Bella left and now it was just me and Jimin , alone.

We stood there silently while looking around awkwardly , not knowing what to do.

Jimin cleared his throat to grab my attention.
"Let me walk you home," he said in a soft tone.


Me and Jimin  were walking back to my home silently when the most important thing popped in my head.

Kang Aera.

I totally forgot about her.

"Uhh...Jimin," I called breaking the silence as he
hummed in reply.

"Why didn't you come, meet me in the morning?" I
asked, "We were suppose to walk around.."

"Uhh... about that," Jimin scratched the back of his head before explaining, "Actually I was on my way to meet you. I really wanted to walk with you today and confess my feelings for you but..something happened which changed the entire plan."

The Mysterious Plushy || Park JiminDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora