Training, Fighting, Plotting

Start from the beginning

"HA! You think I can't do that!" Bakugo mimicked me perfectly. Hitoshi doing the same.

"Now do a pushup." I showed them, then did a backbend out of the handstand.

They couldn't do it. Hitoshi because of his weak muscles and Bakugo's lack of balance and flexibility.

I walked over to Eraserhead as I heard the others complaining, their faces turning red. Eraserhead was watching carefully to make sure their form was correct.

"Maybe we should show them why that is useful." Earning a raised eyebrow from him I continued, "It wouldn't hurt them..."


"Well, it might hurt you."

"How about we just have our fight here on the beach, hand to hand? They can watch if you want that." He slowed down at the end making his words laced with caution.

Does he really want to fight me? Why?

I looked over at the two still trying to do what I told them to do. Then I looked down at the beach at my abandoned home.

It is so close. All the tools I needed to run were right there. My bird friends live there too, along with some cats. I was getting sidetracked in my mind as I thought about that one time the birds and the cats went to war.


"Yeah sure. What were you saying?"

Unbeknownst to me Hitoshi and Bakugo were listening in the whole time.

"Sweet! I've been waiting to see this!"

"Yeah, like he could win. I bet bird brain won't last five minutes."

"Oh, wait we don't, I don't.", Nevermind, "What are the rules?" I caved in. How could I say no? I asked for it. He's giving me something I asked for.

"Shouldn't you be making the rules?" Bakugo huffed.

"Can you break bones?" I turned to the man.


"Then no, I should not be making the rules."

"Bakugo go draw a circle in the sand, make it big enough for two people to fight in. Hitoshi you are going to be the Ref. It is going to be the same rules as the last round for the sports Festival for most years."

We both stepped into the circle.

Sand fighting was completely different from normal fighting. You have to use more power to get the same effect on normal grounds.

We stood at a standstill after Hitoshi said to start. Why would someone ever make the first move when your opponent could see it coming?

This is Eraserhead we are talking about. If he could erase my quirk I would first be going for his eyes, but if I threw sand in his eye that wouldn't look very nice. Since I'm the quiet/nice person at school I got to be that here with Bakugo.

Eraser made the first move but it was faint.

"I don't really want to fight you," I mumbled.

I really meant it, but my actions didn't. My body just moved on its own. This was a fight. I had to win, if I didn't something bad would happen.

I ran low landing a hit on his knee. I kicked off him landing from a flip. He saw it coming and braced for it. This isn't a chess game, so I went again. I sprang forward going for the same knee.

Eraser saw through my intentions, so I changed my plan last second shifting my body I hit his shin instead.

He grabbed my leg and threw me over his shoulder.

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