Chapter-14 🔞

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⚠️ Warning: This chapter is a Mature one ( I realized this style of writing is not my forte😩 It was too hard trying to write😭😭 and I'm not even sure if all you will like it or not...)

Anyways just telling ahead of time, so that if you are uncomfortable or underage, you can skip it....



Vegas kept staring at him in awe and with eyes full of love. He couldn't help but gulp down his saliva.....

[Vegas P.O.V]

I'm mesmerized. Wait the choice of word is too weak. The out of world attractiveness that I'm feeling right now, can't be explained in earthly terms.

Pete looks beautiful. Yes he has always been beautiful. But I don't know why this sleeping Pete in front of me just looks so Heavenly. Rather it's like the Heaven has descended to the mortal world.

I'm being pulled towards him by an unknown force. It feels like the hourglass sand has stopped seeping through.

Pete do you even have any idea what you are doing to me?

After reaching him, I sat down on my knees on the ground.

Pete's making the beast in me awaken. But the beast today wants to worship him and submit himself to him.

Is it because of my guilt that I want to give anything and everything I can to Pete?

I should stop myself before it's too late. He's tired. I should let him rest.

As I was going to take the book away, Pete squinted his eyes. I wanted not to wake him up. So I decided to pat his hand. But he slowly opened his eyes and looked at me with his dreamy eyes.

"So you are back? I didn't realize when my eyelids got heavy." He spoke in his deep sleep mixed voice.

I took the book away and went to the shelf. "The day had been full of events. You are bound to be tired. Pete you shouldn't have waited. I'll take a bath so go to sleep love."

I kissed his forehead and headed towards the bathroom.

When I came out after almost half an hour, I found Pete standing in front of the window.

"You didn't go to bed yet?" I went to stand by his side.

Pete turned to me and said, "The Full Moon Light is so beautiful. Wanted to enjoy basking a bit more." He gave me the most beautiful smile of his, that made my heart suddenly race and I felt butterfly in my stomach.

Only Pete can make me feel like a teenager when I'm almost nearing my 30s.

"Vegas are you blushing?" I heard Pete giggle.

"What rubbish. You are still sleepy. Let's go to sleep."

As I was about to turn around, I felt Pete hug me from behind. His arms holding my waist tightly.

"You know Vegas, you were so handsome today. Shinning like the brightest star in that white suit of yours."

Pete continued talking and complementing me, while his hands were roaming around my naked torso and he kept giving small kisses over my neck in between the sentences. I felt shortage in air to breath. I felt my member harden under the towel though I had given him the necessary care during shower, cause Pete's ethereal beauty had made me too hard a few moments ago.

"Vegas we were supposed to return home together tonight."

My heart felt a prick and I turned around to face Pete. His eyes full of stars were staring into my soul.

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