Hangman x Reader

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Rolling my eyes as I watch Hangman flirt with yet another girl right in front of me. Me and Hangman have been dating for 2 years now. The first year was absolutely amazing he made me feel like a Queen but that second year went to absolute shit. He has flirted with every girl in his view. He comes home late and is distant and has snapped at me for asking him what's wrong. Tonight was the night I was ending things I was gonna walk away and save my mental health because this was toxic. Hangman walks up to me slinging his arm clumsily over my shoulder. " hey there pretty lady" I roll my eyes and push his arm off me. " hey what'd you do that for" I don't answer as anger rises through my body. " can we go home?" I say in an annoyed tone. " uh ya sure" we say good by to our friends and walk outside to the car. "Give me the keys I'm driving you've drinking to much to drive" I say and he tosses me the keys. The drive home was silent. Sighing as I pull into the driveway knowing what was abt to happen. I get out of the car Hangman trailing behind me. I unlock the front door and head straight for our bedroom. "Ahh I see you baby girl getting straight to the action" I hear hangman say as he slowly walks up the stairs. I whip around and spat " don't you talk to me like that" hangman's face melts into pure shock. I start to pack my things feeling a hand on my wrist stopping me. " what are you doing baby?" My heart melts hearing him call me that making me wanna stay. I turn to him and finally tell him how I feel " I'm done Jake I'm done with you treating me like shit I'm done watching you flirt with other woman right in front of me. " I continue as tears start to stream down my face. He reached up to wipe them but I push him away. " Don't touch me. I can't do this anymore you coming home late what the hell do you do. How do I know your not out with other women. God damn it Jake 2 years down the drain how could you do this." I finish turning back around to finish packing. I walk into the bathroom gathering all my stuff. Hangman blocks me from exiting the bathroom. " Jake move" " no Y/n I'm not letting you leave. I love you and Ive never cheated on you. Yes Ive flirted with other women but I'll stop I promise I can't loose you." He puts his hands on my face and I sigh at the feeling of his touch. But my decision was set ins tone I'm leaving. I push him off me and say " stop touching me you asshole" hangman's face curls up with anger. "Oh well how do I know that you haven't cheated on Me. I don't know if you remember Y/n but you've had a background of being a slut." And with that I drop everything in my hands and bring my hand up slapping him across the face. "Don't ever talk to me like that again. I've given you my all Jake my all!! I've been nothing but loving and caring to you and you've treated me like shit you've pushed me away and I can't do this anymore." "Well listen here yoh little bitch I have cheated on you and they were way better than you could ever be." My mouth falls open tears start to pour out of my eyes. " your so bipolar. One minute your caring and the next minute your calling me a bitch" I say barely above a whisper. It's Hangman's turn to raise his hand his palm Colliding with my face. I fall to the ground holding my face. I look up at him to see he's just as shocked as I am. "Oh my god" he says barely above a whisper. "Y/n I- I- I-" he kneels the ground next to me as I flinch away from him. He takes notice of it and he reached out cautiously wrapping his arms around me pulling me into his lap. " I- I'm s- s-so sorry Y/n" he says through chocked sobs. " my momma didn't raise me like this I don't know who I've become. I just slapped the only woman that I've truly fell in love with. I'm so sorry Y/n I love you I really do." He says tears streaming down both our faces. "Y/n I understand if you want to still leave just know I've never cheated on you I lied I've flirted with other woman but I don't know why I did it because I love you with all my heart and I don't want to throw these 2 years away because these two years have been fantastic and I know I didn't treat you well the second year of our relationship but I enjoyed knowing I could crawl into bed with you at the end of the day. But I know I've ruined everything. GOD I JUST HATE MYSELF." He says as he struggles to breath as he continues to cry. I think to myself and decide to give him another chance but I'm gonna make him promise that he is gonna change. "Jake you've gotta breath" I say as I take his face into my small hands. "Breath in and out" he tries but is still struggling. "I can't breathe Y/n knowing that your gonna leave me. I'm such an asshole I can't believe myself right now." My hearts shatters even tho I'm still hurt by his words from earlier. "Jake I'm not leaving okay? You just promise me you'll change. You'll stop flirting with other women and you'll pay attention to me." " but I don't deserve another chance Y/n I don't deserve anything. Go find you a better man." I sigh wrapping my arms around his shoulders pulling him closer. "I don't want anyone else I want the man I started dating two years ago." I say running through his hair. " I promise Ill go back to treating you like the queen you are. I didn't mean anything I said" he says and he quietly sobs into my shirt. He lifts his head gently grabbing my face turning my cheek towards him examining it. My cheek was red and it still stung. "Oh Y/n I'm so sorry come on let's go get you some ice." He says picking me up bridal style carrying me to the kitchen tears still running down his face as he sets me on the counter. Reaching into the freezer he pulls out a ring ice pack grabbing a dish towel out of the drawer. He gently puts the ice pack to me cheek and I shiver at how cold it feels. "I'm sorry did I hurt you" he asks. "No you didn't hurt me it was just cold." He nods holding the ice pack to my cheek. He picks me up off the counter carrying me back to our room setting me gently on the bed. "Now you'd it there and don't love a muscle" I watch him as he starts to unpack my belongings putting everything back where it goes hanging every piece of clothing up. He picks up the products off the floor walking into the bathroom. I quickly jump up walking to the bathroom leaning on the door frame. I watch Hangman as he lines up every product in its place making sure it's all straight he sighs and turns to walk out jumping as he sees me. "You scared me" I smile up at him leaning up to kiss his lips. "Thank you for giving me another chance I promise to treat you correctly this time. And I will never physically hurt you ever again." He says pulling me into a hug. " I don't know where I'd be without you Y/n". "Come one let's go to bed" I say turning off all the light as Hangman  gets into bed I slide under the covers next to him and he scoots as far away as he can. "Where are you going I don't bite." I say chuckling. "Well I didn't wanna push the boundaries" "well thank you for your concern Jake" I say scooting closer to him laying my head on his chest. "I love you Y/n" I love you too Jake" I say kissing his jaw.
                                 The end

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