"I love you" (Rooster x reader)

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(You and rooster have known each other for 6 years and have been dating for three. Also Hangman is your brother in this one.)

Rooster's Pov
Me and Y/n walk in The Hard Deck hand in hand. I turn to her and say "I've gotta talk to your brother abt the mission" I lied. I was rlly going to talk to him abt purposing to her. "You go find the others I'll be right there." I bend down and kiss her cheek and she smiles and walks away to the pool tables. I spot hangman at the bar and I slowly walk up to him my nerves suddenly hitting me hard. What if he says no? I push that thought out of my head and tap his shoulder. He turns around and sees me. "Hey man I gotta talk to you abt something" I say and he says " okay." I see a smug smile start to appear on his face but before he can make any cocky comment I quickly say "somewhere more private." Of course hangman being hangman he says " why don't you buy me a drink before you take me somewhere private" I roll my eyes and say " come man this is important." I guess Hangman read the nervousness on my face because he drops the smug smile and says " okay okay I'm coming." I lead him outside and the fresh salty air hits my face. I take a dip breathe as Hangman leans against the outside wall of the Hard Deck. I take another deap breathe and say " Hangman I'm so in love with y/n and I brought you out here to ask if I could have your blessing to marry her?" His face twists into an unreadable expression and I sigh thinking my thoughts were right he's gonna say no. But then he says " you have my blessing. I see the way she looks at you and I see the way you look at her y'all both love each other a lot. And y'all deserve to be together. Just don't hurt her because I will cave your face in." I pull Hangman into a hug and he stumbles with shock but pats my back awkwardly. I pull away and say "thank you so much. I definitely won't hurt her she's the light of my life. Id be lost without her." Hangman smiles genuinely and says "Go get your girl Rooster." And hearing that I sprint back into the bar scanning the room for y/n. I spot her in the same place I left her over by the pool tables. I rush over to her slowly wrapping my arms around her waist breathing in her beautiful scent.

Y/n's pov
I feel a pair of arms slowly wrap around my waist and I turn my head to see Rooster laying his head on my shoulder. I kiss the side of his head and say " hey there handsome you okay?" He nods against my shoulder and  reaches up grabbing one of my hands intertwining our fingers. He whispers in my ear " why don't we take a walk on the beach this place is kinda given me a headache" I smile and say " okay that sounds good to me" as I look back and yell a quick goodbye to everyone. I let him lead me out of the bar into the fresh night air. I admire him as we walk along the water. I turn my head to look out at the gorgeous water suddenly I feel rooster stop and he tugs my hand so I stop too. I turn around to see him on one knee and all my emotions flood me at once. " y/n you know me so well so you know I don't do speeches very well but I'll try." I chuckle as tears start to trickle down my face. " y/n we've known each other for 6 years and I fell in love w you the minute I saw you. Now the only reason I didn't ask u out sooner is cause your brothers a little intimidating." We both chuckle through our tears. " I love you y/n. will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" All this time I've been looking at rooster but I finally look at the ring and my jaw drops. It is absolutely gorgeous (the ring what can be whatever you want). I quickly nod and rooster starts to stand up but I take no time to wrap my arms around his neck his arms go around my waist squeezing me tightly. "I love you too" I whisper in his ear as we pull away leaving my arm around his shoulder as he slides the ring on my left ring finger. I look up at him and say " it's gorgeous Bradley it's absolutely perfect. You are the perfect man for me" as I kiss him w so much passion. I smile against his lips as I pull away. He says " I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with my best friend" hearing that made my eyes fill w tears again as I say" I can't wait either it's gonna be amazing. We just stand there in each other's embrace. I look towards The windows of the Hard Deck to see my brother and everyone else clapping as I chuckle i quickly mouth I love you to Jake. He mouths I love u back and I turn to my future husband just taking in this moment together.
And I begin to think.
How did I get so lucky with this man

Well here's another one!
Let me know how y'all like this one! 
Pls let me know what y'all wanna see and I'll try to
Make it possible!
Love, Alley

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