Chapter 2: Making A Statement

Start from the beginning

Byron: Oh my god. Is he here?

The sound stops as everyone just wonders where on earth he is. Where could Drake be?

The lights in the arena begin to flicker and soon the whole arena was dark, this was sending chills down the spines of everyone, they may have wanted to see Drake but it was still frightening.

Suddenly a thunder strike goes off as a lightning bolt hits the ring as the lights turn back on.

The crowd gives off a mixed reaction as purple smoke begins to fog the stage.

A song starts playing as the purple fog continues to fill the stage and the curtain, soon a figure walks through it wearing a black leather jacket and a hood, he takes his hood off revealing Drake Calaway.

Mauro: He's here, David. Oh my god.

David: I hope he doesn't come over this way, Mauro.

The crowd cheers as they know him from his time in NJPW and TNA, the WWE isn't the first promotion where this man has been.

Drake walks over to the stage as he stands there for a minute as he looks around and listens to the cheering from the crowd, he lifts his arm up as fire begins to come out of poles connected to the stage, a crow suddenly flies out of the curtain as it lands on his shoulder.

David: There's a reason this man has been known as the harvester Mauro, I seen him wrestle in New Japan and I just have to say whoever steps foot in the ring with him will be a deadman.

Mauro: I have to agree with you on that one.

Drake walks down the ramp slowly as he song continues to play, as he walks down the ramp fire comes out of poles that were also connected to the stage.

The crowd continues to cheer for him.

Greg: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, from Houston, Texas, Death Valley. The Harvester!!! Drake Calaway!!!

Drake walks to the apron as he looks around, he goes over to the steel stairs as he walks up them as he puts his crow on the top turnbuckle and then gets inside the ring, he grabs the crow as fire suddenly explodes from the turnbuckles as his music stops.

Drake then sets his crow on the top turnbuckle as he goes over and grabs a microphone and then stands in the middle of the ring.

He goes to speak but the crowd starts chanting his name "DRAKE". He puts the microphone at his side as he sits for the crowd to settle down.

Once they settle down he goes to speak again but the crowd starts an "UNDERTAKER" chant all throughout the arena, Drake can't help but to smirk at the chant of his father.

The crowd settles down as Drake goes to speak again but before he can this happens....

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