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eighteen || dancing in the storm


"Beomgyu hyung."

Beomgyu's eyes quickly fluttered open as he exhaled loudly, for some reason he felt his heartbeat beating way too fast and hard which made his chest ache in pain. Grabbing his chest he slowly looked up and saw Taehyun sitting across from him with a disappointed smile.

Goosebumps and fear spread throughout the male's body after seeing that terrifying smile on the youngers face. Beomgyu was confused, this scenario was different than his usual ones. "Taehyun...?" Beomgyu whispered out feeling how hoarse his throat was.

'Fuck what type of bullshit did you get into dream Beomgyu.' The male wondered, his shaky eyes landed on a few papers on the table, yet they were covered by Taehyun's arms so he couldn't see what they were.

"Beomgyu hyung," The male's tone was full of disappointment and anger, Beomgyu could easily tell. The male stayed silent as he looked back up at the blonde who gave him the most blankest stare ever.

"Just how long will you continue to lie to me?"

"What?" Beomgyu tilted his head feeling confused, lie to Taehyun? He doesn't remember saying anything bad the last time he saw the male.

"You're continuously lying to me! You say you'll be out just for an hour yet you come home at fucking- two in the morning! What the hell is it with you hyung?!"

Beomgyu's blood went cold as he stared at Taehyun suddenly yelling at him, he was so confused and out of it to even comprehend what was going on! "I-I'm not lying to you..." He said trying his best to understand this scene.

"You're lying to me right now, it's always the studio huh? The studio over your husband! I-I know why...It's because of Kai, isn't it? You two have been spending way too much time-"

"What the hell are you going on about?!" Beomgyu stared at the male in shock for assuming him and his own best friend. A sarcastic chuckle came from Taehyun as the male shook his head and looked away.

"Taehyun-ah, listen just trust me on this when I say-"


Beomgyu stared at the male, desperation slowly blooming into his veins seeing how Taehyun was fiddling with the ring on his left hand with a doubtful look. "It's been months, hyung. Endless fucking months of you telling me it'll be fine. It'll be alright!" He said angrily and looked up at him.

"I can't fucking trust you, Beomgyu hyung."

"Yes, you can! You just have to believe me, please!"

"Why would I believe your lies? You may have apologized but you never know if I truly accepted it or not." Taehyun scoffed and stood up aggressively almost knocking the chair behind him down. Beomgyu watched the male walk towards the door in fear and that's when he immediately got up chasing after him.


"Taehyun we-wait!" Beomgyu desperately cried and reached out for the male, only for him to slowly disappear like smoke as the whole room began to stretch out. Beomgyu's breathing felt way too heavy as he clenched his aching heart and looked up again.

In My Dreams || taegyu ✔️Where stories live. Discover now