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thirteen || the lantern festival


"Just a reminder everyone that after today you will all have a whole week's vacation but that doesn't mean to slack off! Just two weeks from now you guys will have your exams." Mr. Hyun said wrapping up the final lesson for the day.

Today was the opening night of Ito Academy's Lantern Festival and every student was absolutely excited, especially to see the performances for tonight.

Students started piling out of the room one by one until Beomgyu was the last one to pack everything up again. Walking down the stairs he walked towards the door before hearing Mr. Hyun call his name.

"Beomgyu-ssi, good luck tonight."

Beomgyu tilted his head and gave the warmest smile ever, he lifted a thumb and nodded. "Thank you, Mr. Hyun!" He said as the teacher nodded. Walking out he saw Jeongin waiting by his locker with one of the guitars strapped to his back.

"Jeonginie! Hey!" Beomgyu said and ruffled the blonde's head after approaching him. Jeongin looked up at the other. "Hey, Beomgyu...I brought us coffee." He said and held up a latte cup.

"Hey, thanks! Getting through today was so exhausting." Beomgyu sighed dramatically and took a huge sip of the latte, the bittersweet taste coating his tastebuds and burning his throat slightly since he hasn't drunk anything all day.

"Who's fault was it to wake everyone up at 2 am and make them stay out until 4?" Jeongin scoffed readjusting the guitar on his back. The two began walking to the front of the school talking about simple little things or answering each other's questions.

"I'm just proud of you guys for understanding the music right away. Working with you all for one month has been so fun." Beomgyu said and slowly looked up at Jeongin with a smile. He was truly proud of his friends for listening to him ramble on and on about how he suddenly got inspiration and finished everything in a limited time.

"Have you asked Taehyun to the festival yet?" Jeongin asked. Beomgyu paused and stared at him, ever since the paint incident he hasn't asked at all in fear of the younger rejecting him. He also didn't want to force Taehyun.

"No...I don't know. I honestly just want him to be there to watch us, yknow? Like if he wants to go and hang out with Kai instead of me then I'm fine with that, just as long as I see him in the audience."

"You're gross, gosh you're so in love Beomgyu." Jeongin sighed, looking up he saw a familiar person standing in front of the gate with a wide smile. His hair was a light shade of purple and his bangs covered his eyes slightly. "I'll see you later!" Jeongin quickly said waving goodbye to Beomgyu running up to the male with a wide smile.

Beomgyu's eyes widened watching the two kiss and then walk off together. His heart ached slightly wishing that it could be him and Taehyun doing that, but he shouldn't rush into things. He wanted to take his time making Taehyun fall for him but he can't help but feel his attempts aren't working.

The sudden buzz of his phone startled Beomgyu out of his thoughts, quickly fetching his phone out of his pocket he opened it up and looked at the messages.

« shitheads + yeonjun »

Kai 🐧💛 :
hey guys we should meet up with each other for the festival tonight and hang out with each other! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

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