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four || my inspiration


Beomgyu was annoyed.

When he accepted the offer to represent Ito Academy with four other students he never knew it meant going to school on a fucking Sunday to meet up with them! The ravenette was pissed off when trying to find room 553, he didn't even know there was a room number with that! perhaps it's because all my classes are downstairs. not on the third floor!

Beomgyu was heaving and huffing while climbing up to the third floor. Ito Academy had a total of three floors which was so extra! There was a big courtyard in the middle and the garden behind the school was breathtaking though. However, Beomgyu felt bad for the students who have classes downstairs and upstairs every day.

All he wanted to do was go back home, fall back asleep, and enjoy the dreams he had with Taehyun in it. If he knew being in this group would require him to wake up at 11 am, he would've rejected it! I wonder how cute Taehyun would look when he just woke up...

Beomgyu quickly shook off his thoughts about the redhead and scanned the hallway for class 553. After what felt like five hours but only ten minutes Beomgyu had finally found the room.

He heard small muffled voices on the other side of the door, feeling a bit relieved that he wasn't so early that nobody was there. Opening the door, the voices cut off as it went silent. Beomgyu stood in the doorway and stared at the males in front of him. Two were sitting down on top of the desks next to each other, one was in one of the seats with his headphones plugged in, and one was leaning against the wall near the window.

Beomgyu nervously gulped and smiled, "Hello." He greeted the other males in the room politely.

"Well isn't it the infamous Choi Beomgyu!" A voice caught Beomgyu's attention. He saw a male walk toward him with a wide smile. Ah, he must be Lee Heeseung. Beomgyu thought to himself watching the brunette walked up to him. Heeseung was one of the popular kids, but he wasn't snobby rich, or annoyingly rude. He was popular because of his outgoing personality and kindness. Not to mention the two were partnered up on a chemistry project during Beomgyu's sophomore year.

"Heeseung, hello." Beomgyu smiled at the male. "How's your nose and that notebook? I bet your clothes smelled like grape juice for days." Heeseung teased throwing an arm around Beomgyu who awkwardly smiled. He forgot that everyone knew about the grape juice incident with his Taehyun.


"Never mind that, let me introduce you to the other group members," Heeseung said and dragged Beomgyu around the room. The two stopped in front of the male who had his headphones in. Heeseung tapped the desk to gain the male's attention making him look up.

Beomgyu wouldn't lie, this man was incredibly handsome, his hair was black with blue and white streaks and his eyes were sharp and his face was sculpted amazingly. "Okay, Beomgyu! This is Xu Minghao." Heeseung said as Minghao took his headphones out.

"It's nice to meet you Minghao, I've never seen you around before though. Are you an underclassman?" Beomgyu asked extending his hand out in front of the other. A small soft chuckle left Minghao's lips as he shook his head no.

"No, I'm a senior," Minghao said and gladly accepted Beomgyu's handshake. "I have mostly music classes and classes on the third floor or outside of the school so maybe that's why we haven't seen each other around." He explained. A soft hum left Beomgyu's lips as he nodded from the explanation.

In My Dreams || taegyu ✔️Where stories live. Discover now