X. maturity kills

388 21 1

Another short chapter, please read the ending notes for this chapter! Thanks!

You could say that you liked toying with with the two. More so on Carlo since you couldn't have that much time spending with Nemo. Sein was out of this, he was more a not-so-childish boy than the two, he was also quite busy with his schedule. Maybe some other time, you'd play a prank on him. One that needs time to think of and hard to do.

Your doings wasn't let off with Sylvia. When you were bound to left in Emily's Library, Carlo (tried to) scare you, telling that he will tell his mother what you have done to him and that you will be 'doomed'.

You didn't do anything wrong though. You'd just told him a little harmless story like the big sister/brother you are. And that was your getaway from Sylvia and to that she didn't believe what Carlo had said at all. Or maybe just because beside her that time was your father and she wouldn't scold you with him by her side. She wouldn't want him to see her as a bad person. Not at all. That would make a bad impression as a wife to him and a mother to you.

The next day, you had felt fresh when you woke up. The wind was at the right breeze, the sun was barely awake. You had spent your time this early morning gardening and painting a portrait of Abigail. Now that you had though about her, you didn't see her in the mansion, not even the garden in the front. Maybe she wasn't feeling well and took a day off? You didn't know.

You had breakfast together as a family, with the twins either side of you and the three boys infront of you and them. Sylvia and Gwen were faced each other at the tip end of the table.

And when breakfast was dismissed, each one doing their own things, you were quick to be called in your library office around nine which was, an early time to be in this place.

" You don't look too well. " It wasn't that that always that your father looked like this.

Although, he was reaching on a certain age where they are prone to many diseases, the heavy bags under his eyes, the deep and obvious painful cough he's left echoing throughout the walls of the library has been telling you that he doesn't look so good.

And as his [daughter/son], you had the absolute right to point it out and be concerned.

Right when you had entered, Miss Sylvia was just about to exit.

She had smiled at you, one that was not genuine. You were left a couple of seconds standing in the doorway with a brow raised, suspicious about her, especially with the tube she's held in her hands that she's failed to hide from you.

You decided to not think about it. It was probably the best if you don't.

Gwen had told you entertain yourself with books first since he was doing something (scribbling on papers) that he didn't dare to speak about what it was.

And you were here, standing and finding the best book to read across the room your father was in while you were stuck here for quite some time.

He hasn't been talking at all, only mumbling words that came incoherent to your ears.

He could still hear you from a feet away. He halted writing and squinting eyes would have seen the way he tensed and gripped the quill in his hand, he craned his head to look at you. The usual smile he has.

" Now, do I? " He thought and have wrongfully heard this as a humorous joke? With how he laughed at the end of his inquiry. You huffed. You just knew well that he was trying to shook the topic off with his laugh. He was great at this, and you were great at spotting situations that are needed to be discussed. You had already found a book, you opened it and began to read eyes focused on the words but mind still thinking of his condition.

And your lips too.

" I'd take a guess that you had been trying those exotic things Madam Sylvia had been offering-giving you. " He was quick to disagree, a disputing look on his face.

" [Name], with how my health is in a condition doesn't have to do with Sylvia, it's wrong to presume people. Especially your-"

" Never mind, then. " You interrupted. Putting the book back in its place, your head finally turning to him.

He shuddered.

" I apologize for assuming Sylvia for your bad condition and now I must go. " You turned on your heel, back facing his front. " I have better things to attend to than just lounge around without you uttering things. "

" But I am just about to... " You had already left the room when he was just about to tell you what he wanted to say. He clamped his mouth shut.

Staring at the paper in his table, LAURENT FOOTWEARS COMPANY, was written.

He glared at it, deep in thought before he had scribbled his signature. Craning his head once again to the hall where you had left, mind in a deep daze.

They were no longer the child that he had picked up from their house and welcomed in his own. The child that smiled so happily whenever he would do something so appreciative to them. The little cute and pretty child that would always make him happy. The child that liked to play dress me in his room. The innocence they had was washed out. Reality of the world, they were facing now.

The [Name] he had was no longer them.

They were matured and knows every little thing, inside the house and outside. Secrets...do they know it too? His doings? His wrongdoings? It felt like they know it. Their eyes didn't have that shine anymore, judgement.

Judgement and Disgust.

In the recent chapter, someone had commented and questioned regarding to y/n's age. If I could remember correctly, the characters ages weren't specified on the manhua, so that was why I didn't also specified y/n's age and just gave the description of them being older than the rest of the five ( Carlo, Sein, Nemo, Aida, Aisha) But I think:

Y/n- 15
Sein-13 and a half

There, some age chart. I hope I made things a little clear 😭 I think I'll change it if ever their age are specified, since Aisha is an ongoing manhua.

𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 ✩ 𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐚 𝐱 𝐠𝐧! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon