IX. what an annoying little boy

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As the weeks went on, everything seemed to go on just fine.

Well, except with all those constant pranks both parties have done and the vicious smile you would be receiving from the woman, Madam Sylvia herself, you could say that it had been going on normal.

And it paranoid you. A little.

Gwen have treated Sylvia as if she were Norma. All those stories you've heard from him, how he treated her passed wife back then was the same with how he was treating the raven haired woman now.

You even convinced yourself that she was a witch who had used all her potions and witchcrafts to let your father fall and fawn over her, but assumptions were never that very much right.

So you just let the days go on, trying not to engage any conversation as possible as you didn't want it to happen like how you had end up with Sein, you already had this forming hatred towards him-just irritation for this time, hatred was quite a big word and if the other boys, Nemo and Carlo didn't want that, then they should never talk to you.

" Stop right there you brute beast! "

It was just supposed to be a normal afternoon, cooking in the kitchen upstairs.

You had worn an apron that was already stained with flour, whilst you were kneading dough for your cookies in the table.

You stopped and rose a brow, looking through the door to see who had exclaimed such offending words for someone who directly pointed it to a person. A person like we're no brute beast. With the familiar voice that would tick you off sometimes.

Carlo stood in the doorway a paper crown in his head and a sword that seemed to be just a toy in his hand, along with Nemo, but he was holding a torch that of course wasn't lit up. Carlo held a confident and prideful face while Nemo was the same timid and shy looking as he was.

They stomped their way towards you, with the curly haired boy approaching as if he had ants on his pants with how big his steps were but with the other boy who seemed to be doing it so poorly. If they were twins you could definitely tell them apart.

" What do you wa..." You got cut off by yourself with a yelp when the pointy end of the sword Carlo was holding was against your chest.

It was just a toy but why did it felt like it was real? And Nemo joined him, it would have looked stupid if you were a chef and a duo of swordsmen were trying to kill you whilst you were doing your job and they were doing theirs. " Get away from me! " You frowned trying not to let your voice turn into a pissed off hiss.

You were just having a good time baking cookies and they'd just come in and go ruin it.

Both of them made no move to stop what games they were still pointing through your chest and even your hand now, almost going through your eyes if they weren't that much shorter than you.

Your eyes drifted to the table you've been working in and their were still flour spread in the surface. And with nothing in mind than just one that you had thought was a little stupid, you grabbed a handful of the flour and thrown it in the air infront of you so that they could be hit with it.

To your thankfulness, they had stopped, the sword and torch in their hand falling down the floor but what was left was with them coughing when the flour you have thrown into them had they breathed in, even having their eyes closed when it hit them.

" That's not fair! " Carlo shouted, still didn't manage to stop himself from coughing.

" That's why I told to never to bother them, elder brother! " Nemo whimpered, rubbing his eyes.

𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 ✩ 𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐚 𝐱 𝐠𝐧! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now