I. in the beginning

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Note: This chapter takes place before the

chapter 1 of the manhua but i put the
narrative stuff in the first chapter :)

Warning: hints of pedophilic acts.

Chapter One. In which you, together with
your family visits the grave of the woman
who had bear the twins, and something
bound to be unpleasant happened by the
end of the day.

It was yet again a snowy winter

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It was yet again a snowy winter.

Even with the clothes packed tight around your body, it never seemed to warm you up as the cold breeze of winter only freezed you. The once grassy ground dissapeared and was replaced with white snow, the juniper tree that she and he holds dear had its leaves gone as with the season, empty as it was.

Spring would come so soon though, it'd be full in bloom and your mother would love that.

The grave of the woman was what always has been infront of the tree for a couple of her years now. Her name carved in stone, located in the woods as it was one of her wishes before she had sadly passed away. She was a very sweet and kind woman. She'd always batter you up with her kisses, fondly talked about you and talk to you as if you were her own child, right when she still was here. It was just that saddening that she had to pass. Such a kind soul like her didn't need to be taken to heaven so soon. She's even the mother you would never had.

She'd even appear in your dreams, a distant memory of her unmoving in this exact spot, like she were real and alive, with her giving you a motherly smile.

It would leave a fluttering feeling in your heart and a haunting ache in your head.

This was the tree the Norma and Gwen had wished to be blessed with a child, where they had talked about them, how the girl needed to be pure as the white snow below and free as a running water, to not be cold as an ice. With their names, for how she had read a book she's talked about where a strong female hero was named Aisha. And so, the girl was named after the female lead. How one daughter was too less so they wished that they would have twins so that the other could be named Aida.

And as if God had heard their prayers, The twin girls you'd call your little sisters were born and within the same season, it had snowed heavily outside the manor as your father would tell. But she was weak during her pregnancy and it came to all of their grief when the day someone had came into this world, one had to go. The same time she gave birth to her children, she had died.

But then he remembered that he has his twin girls and soon...he found you...

And it was easy to say that he gave it all to his children.

𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 ✩ 𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐚 𝐱 𝐠𝐧! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now