"I like you too," I repeated. "I was laying on my bed and when I realized it, not that I like you I already knew that for a while now," I corrected as I nervously rubbed my sweaty palms on my coat. Why was I so nervous?

What I was saying finally sank in because the confusion and concern on Brooks's face melted away and a wide smile stretched across his lips. His reaction gave me the courage I needed to continue.

"What I realized was I couldn't keep hiding away from life because of what happened to Eli. You make me happy Brooks, and I want to be with you too if you still want that," he didn't say anything he just stood there silently staring down at me with an intense look in his eyes.

I shifted nervously on my feet. "I should've called before I just showed up I probably look like a crazy person but I just wanted to see you and tell you," my ramble was cut off when Brooks's lips came crashing down on mine.

I froze in shock for a split second before I kissed him back. Wrapping my arms around his neck as his hands gripped my hips and pulling me flush against his body.

All too soon Brooks broke the kiss pulling back and resting his forehead against mine.

"You're adorable when you ramble you that?" he teased.

I chuckled a little breathlessly. "Shut up I was nervous and you weren't saying anything," I smiled.

"You sure you want to do this?" He asked pressing a soft kiss on the tip of my nose.

"I'm sure," I whispered wrapping my arms around his waist.

He brushed a kiss on my forehead before lacing his fingers with mine. "Let's go inside," he said and I followed after him shutting the door behind us.

"You want to come upstairs?" He asked peering down at me expectantly.

"Yeah," I whispered with our hands still firmly entwined together, we climbed the stairs and made our way toward Brooks's bedroom.

Pulling the door open Brooks motioned for me to enter before him. Releasing his hand I stepped into the bedroom. I hadn't been back here since the night of Brooks's party.

Slipping my coat off I dropped it on the chair in the corner of the room before I spurned around to face Brooks.

His eyes trailed down my body lingering on my hard nipples poking through the thin material of my crop tank top. I felt goosebumps speared across my skin at his heated gaze as he strode in my direction.

I sucked in a sharp breath when he brushed his knuckles over my pebbled nipple. "No bra?" He asked with a raised brow.

I shook my head. "I didn't-," my words died on a gasp when his thumb pressed down on my nipple sending a bolt of pleasure straight from my breast to my clit.

Lifting his hand he freed my hair from the confines of the messy bun I had it in, my thick curls falling down my back and over my shoulders.

"I like your hair better like this," he rasped tangling his fingers in my hair and holding me in place as he leaned down and pressed a bruising kiss on my lips.

Unlike the one downstairs, there was nothing soft about this kiss. Wrapping my arms around his neck I kissed him back hard. Fisting his jersey I pulled him closer until our bodies were molded together.

Taking A RiskWhere stories live. Discover now