Chapter 12

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"This show is trash," Brooks said passing me the tequila. I grasp the neck of the bottle bringing it to my lips and swallowing a huge gulp, the fiery liquid burning its way down my throat.

When I was done I passed the bottle back to Brooks. This was my third drink and I could already feel the alcohol working its way through my system.

I already felt lighter no longer weighed down from my earlier fight with Mia.

"Mhmm, that's why you can't seem to pull your eyes away from the TV," I giggled. Brooks acted as if he didn't like the show but I could tell he was really into it.

I can admit  Too Hot to Handle can be a little ridiculous at times but it's highly addictive.

I watched the TV as the characters in the show struggled to adhere to the sex ban issued by Lana.

I looked over at Brooks curiously. "How long have you ever gone without sex?" I blurted out before I could stop myself.

He shifted his gaze from the screen and onto me, his eyebrows raising in surprise. It was the first time I'd ever asked him about his sex life.

"What?" I shrugged. "I'm curious."

A smirk formed at the edge of his lips. "The tequila is making you bold," he teased.

"Just answer my question," I laughed playfully slapping his shoulder.

"Okay," he chuckled looking up at the ceiling in thought. "Ummm about three months," he finally answered bringing his gaze back to mine.

"What about you?" He asked curiosity shining in his eyes as he drank more tequila.

"Four years," I answered without hesitation because unlike him I didn't have to think.

Brooks choked at my words removing the bottle from his lips he broke out in a coughing fit wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

I moved closer to him rubbing his back. "You okay big guy?" I asked teasingly biting back my laughter.

"Four years?" He wheezed out. "How is that possible."

"Well, when Eli..." I stopped talking as it dawned on me what I almost let slip. The smile I was wearing instantly vanished from my face, while my heart slammed against my chest with a painful thud. My wide eyes flew up to Brook's as my hand fell from his back.

"Who's Eli," curiosity and another emotion I could place mingled in his blue eyes. Jealousy maybe?

The light, teasing mood from minutes ago quickly evaporated and was now shadowed by my tragic past.

We stared at each other wordlessly, a tense silence falling between us. And instead of brushing it off, I found myself telling him the truth.

"Eli was my high school boyfriend," I paused releasing a shaky breath. "He umm.... he died, in a car accident I was in the car with him," I whispered so softly I almost thought he didn't hear me but from the horrified look on his face, I knew he did.

"Fuck, Gen," he grasped my small hand in his much larger one. "I'm so sorry, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," he rasped squeezing my hand gently.

"No, I want to," I laughed sadly. "Funnily enough I have a hard time talking about this but I want to tell you," assured him. And I did, I wanted to tell Brooks about my past.

My gaze dropped to our intertwined hands as I spoke.

"I lived in Manhattan up until I was twelve, we moved into my family's estate in Long Island when my grandfather retired. My grandmother was originally from Boston so she wanted to move back and my parents had been talking about moving out of the city for some time so it was the perfect opportunity. My parents loved the idea of me and my brothers growing up in the home my dad grew up in," my voice sounded robotic as I spoke.

Taking A RiskOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora