Chapter 14

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"Gen these are amazing," Luna declared as she flipped through my sketchbook.

Eliza hummed her agreement, as they both admired my designs.

I felt that familiar sense of pride wrapped around me whenever someone praised my designs.

The girls came over tonight for an impromptu movie night. Since the girl's night at their place about a month ago, Mia and I became good friends with Luna and Eliza.

Mia was absent from tonight's movie night since she and Nate were having dinner with her mom.

After the movie, we moved to my room where the girl discovered my sketchbook and there have been flipping through it for the last five minutes.

I sat with my back against the headboard eating a red velvet cupcake, watching as they continued to flip through the pages.

Looking away Eliza grabbed her phone off the bed. Something she saw caused her body to stiffen. "That little bitch," Eliza exclaimed glaring down at her phone.

"What?" Luna asked peeking over at Eliza's phone, she snorted at whatever she saw on the screen. "Well she's persistent I'll give her that."

"Who are you guys talking about?" I asked popping the last piece of cupcake in my mouth as I shifted closer to the foot of the bed where they were sitting.

Eliza turned her phone toward me, looking down at the screen I saw a picture of two girls smiling at the camera one with blonde hair and ivory-colored skin and the other with deep olive skin and wavy, dark brown hair. And off to the side of the blonde was Royce who looking down at his phone.

"That's Sydney," Eliza explained pointing at the blonde girl. "Her parents are good friends with Royce's so they grew up together. The first time we met she was a complete bitch to me and whenever we're alone together she makes snide comments. She started her freshman year at Hainsworth this fall and she always finds a way to worm herself into Royce's presence wherever I'm not around."

"You have nothing to worry about Eliza," Luna assured her.

"Oh, I know and I trust Royce he's never given me a reason not to," she looked down at the picture again, her mouth pressed in a firm line. "But I trust that conniving bitch as far as I can throw her."

Suddenly she hopped to her feet, looking back at both Luna and me a grin lifting the edge of her lips. "Let's go."

"Where?" Luna and I asked at the same time.

"To Mitchell's," Eliza replied like it was obvious. "Imagine the look on her face when I show up."

Luna shook her head vehemently. "Yeah, pass I'm not going to Mitchell's."

"Yeah, I'm with Luna," I chimed in. "We all agreed on staying in tonight. I'm really not in the mood to go to a crowded bar."

Eliza frowned. "Come on you bitches are supposed to have my back," she said her hands resting her on hips.

Glancing over at me she said. "Brooks will be there and you guys are friends," she then looked over at Luna. "And the only reason you don't want to go is because Lucas will be there," she said.

"Exactly, I try to limit the amount of time I spend in the devil's presence," Luna retorted earning an amused snort from me and an eye roll from Eliza.

"Would you quit being dramatic," Eliza grumbles throwing her hands in the air. " We don't have to stay long, and if the roles were reversed
I'll do it for both of you."

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