Chapter 3

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One ten-minute phone call with my mother and my entire night when to absolute shit. I should be downstairs with friends enjoying the party they've thrown for me.

Instead, I'm lying in my dark bedroom alone, with a pounding headache. My mood was officially killed, Claire Heyward has a habit of sucking the joy out of people.

I should've listened to my gut and ignored her calls like I usually do. I know that sounds bad but, if you knew my mother you'll understand why.

Nothing good comes from speaking to her, she only calls when she has an agenda and tonight was no exception.

A small part of me, that little boy inside of me who still craved his mother's love and attention hoped that she was calling to wish me a happy birthday. That she gave a fuck about anyone but herself.

That's the thing about hope though, it sets you up for disappointment. And my mother is still the same self-centered, manipulative bitch she'd always been.

The reason for my mother's call tonight, was the same reason for her more frequent calls lately, Melody Porter.

Melody was the girl my mother deem perfect for me. More like the Porter's were the perfect family to be connected to ours. Like our family wasn't rich and powerful enough being a political family and all.

This summer while I was home she made it her mission to push us together every chance she got. She'd already married off my asshole of an older brother Alex to a person of her choice and now it's my turn.

Even if I was open to the idea of relationships, Melody would be last on my list of potential girlfriends.

She was a spoiled, entitled, swallow, brat who thought the world revolved around her. And you'd think that would have stopped me from sleeping with her, but I still did, even though I knew it was a bad idea.

Now I'm paying the price for my inability to keep my dick in my pants. Because she won't leave me the hell alone.

She's been blowing up my phone ever since and when I finally blocked her, she called my mom.

I mean was she fucking five years old? What twenty-two-year-old does that shit? And my mother took great pleasure in calling to remind me of what a fuck up I am.

I should've known she was lying when she said she was okay with it being a one-time thing. Because I don't do relationships ships nor do I make it a habit of fucking the same girl more than once. It was more trouble than it's worth.

Melody probably thought she'd be the one to change me as did a lot of girls. That I'll stop fucking around for them.

Like that'll ever happen. I know I sound like an asshole but it is what it is.

The thing is the last time I tried a relationship with a girl I thought was the 'One' and she stamped all over my heart.

Now I'll never change my stance on relationships and love for any girl.

The turning of my doorknob broke me out of my thoughts. My eyes shot open just as the door opened and a figure stepped into my room shutting the door behind them.

From the faint light coming from the bathroom, I could tell the silhouette was distinctively female.

Great, I was not in the mood for some random girl sneaking into my room tonight. If it was any other night I'd be okay with it, hell I'd even welcome it but not tonight.

I flicked on the lamp sitting on my nightstand casting a warm glow through the room.

"What the hell are you doing in my room," I demanded in a harsh voice.

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