Ight, how he doing?

He okay for now his nurse just came.

Oh word.! Let me know if y'all need anything.

Will do let me know how that turns out and tell Teek I sent his order and roscoe needs to pick his up. If he don't I will sell it for 45,000 he got til the end of today.



I heard crying so I went down to the kids rooms and Austin was falling asleep at his table with his snacks and Ja'Kari was crying. I picked him up and cradled him I gave him a bottle and rubbed his hair while we rocked back and fourth in the rocking chair. I kissed his forehead and he was falling fast asleep. All my lil baby did was sleep! He was such a good baby.

I changed his diaper and layed him in the crib. I picked Austin up cleaning his face and layed him on his bed with the covers over him. He was knocked.

I made my way back to my room and all I heard was giggling and laughing. This Nigga was not even funny! I rolled my eyes and went to my closet and grabbed something to wear.

I took a shower and dried off and got dress. I had to go do something and go get dinner. I put on my outfit which was just a simple black body suit with a long sweater shirt to go over it some high Nike socks and Yeezy foam runners. I did my make up nice and simple and gave a couple passes on my hair with the flat iron. I grabbed my purse and left out.

I'll be back, you need anything? I asked my husband as he was coming out the bathroom.

Nah I'm good where you going?

Handle some business I'll be back as soon as possible okay?!

Ight! Dre going with you?

As much as I want him to stay here yeah he's coming with me.

Be safe baby, love you! He said as he kissed me.

I love you too! I walked out the room and called for Dre to follow me. He came out the game room and grabbed the keys.

Take me to 56th please! I said as we got in the car.

I was so fuckin tired. All I wanted to do was sleep but it seems like I haven't gotten any in days.
We pulled up to the trap and I got out going in and up to Monsters office. I sat at his desk and started on some of the stuff he was working on. One thing about it we ain't losing no money around here and that's all he was talking about. Good thing it was just some math numbers and a payout I was going to do for him. And some stuff needed to be ran.

Nigga I got yo text what the fuck you want? A loud mouth ghetto bitch sang as she walked through the office doors. "Oh bitch I been waiting to whoop yo ass!" She said dropping her purse in the seat.

Shalease sit down! I said annoyed standing up.

Girl fuck you, I want a round!

I said sit the fuck down! I said sternly pulling my gun out on her. I motioned for Dre to close the door and lock it.

You think cause you fuckin on a gangster ass nigga that you bad now? She said hugging her breath taking a seat.

Not at all baby I been bad without him, he just a plus.

So what's all this? You playing Queen pin now or something?

Nothing like that, just simply Queen! You wanna make some money or not? I asked taking 5 stacks and putting it on the desk.

Where Monster?

He's going be out for a while so I'm doing some stuff for him.

Oh yeah you is his lil bitch.!

And ma lil bitch gone get to singing real quick if you don't shut the fuck up!

What you want?!

To work with you! Look inaint want no beef with you in the first place but you took it there with me in the beginning! Now we gone be on each other's life for a long ass time so you better get use to it. Let me make something crystal clear to you. I am his wife, I raise your son which who calls me mom now. I love that man and that little boy like I birthed him. There is no way I ever wanted to take a child from his mom but you are the worst mother ever to that baby and you don't deserve him. You use him as a pawn to get to his father.....

So you got me here to tell me how bad of a mom I am?

No! I got you hear to make you an offer and to give you a second chance with your child before it's to late.

He's my kid!

That His father have complete custody over! You need to get your shit together he needs his mother.

Why if your so perfect?

I'm far from perfect and right now you giving every excuse there is to not be in your child's life.

What I gotta do?

I need you to make a few drops every week upstate. In exchange I will let you come over for 2 hours every week and sit and play with him. You can feed him, read to him, watch tv, take a nap whatever your two hours is your two hours.

And the money?

1,500 a week! That's 6,000 this month. Now would you like to make this deal or not?

When do I get to see him?

As soon as you get done making the drop. I'll drop the address.

Okay....deal! But I still don't like you!

Like wise! Go downstairs and get your bag. She nodded her head in agreement and grabbed her purse. "If you cross me, or break this deal! I promise you, you will have 5 bullets with your name carved in them!" I said sternly as she walked out. She stuck up her middle finger and kept walking.

That went way better than what i expected!

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