"Is that what you thought?" She asks while reaching into her back pocket and flicking up a debit card. I squint a little at it as I follow her, taking it from between her index and middle fingers, "This is mine. How'd you-"

"I've lived on the streets most my life. You learn how to steal." She answers while suddenly removing her jeans, pulling them down to her plain black panties before walking to the other side of the bed and sitting down.

"Why'd you stay?" I ask forwardly.

She freezes a little before I hear her soft breath. "Because you were right." She turns her torso to look back at me, "I have... nothing. No one. So you got what you wanted. Someone you can mold for yourself, like you said." She glimpses down, "I mean I'd probably have a better chance of living with you than going back to selling myself for whatever I can get." She stands and slowly makes her way to me, "I've been raped, robbed of what little I've had, I've been beaten to what felt like inches from death on those streets-"

"Who? Tell me who-"

She scoffs softly as she stops in front of me, her big gorgeous eyes looking up at me sweetly. "That's what I'm talking about," She interrupts, "You're protective. Possessive too, but protective. I've never had anyone be that way for me. And how hard you were on yourself for not being at the house when it happened was kinda... sweet, in its own harsh way-"

"I wasn't being hard on myself, I was being honest-"

She suddenly pokes my chest, "You said you trusted me. That's why you left, isn't it? Do you regret trusting me?"

I grab her wrist and pull her closer to me, "No."

"Then there was nothing you could do about the break-in if you didn't know it was going to happen." She says sternly, "Stop blaming yourself and playing the what-if game. We know what is was now and there's nothing we can do about it."

I let her wrist go with a deep sigh, stepping beside her to sit on the edge of the bed, "But what if-"

"What did I just say?" She crosses her arms.

I meet her eyes and one of her brows raise knowingly. I grudgingly look to the side til she steps closer to me. "You said you trusted me... so, I'm going to trust you." I watch as she sets her hands on my knees for support as she lowers in front of me, onto the floor where she sits on her legs in the sitting pretty position. I already feel turned on from her pretty eyes looking up at me from down there. My heart beats harder and faster from her words as she sets her hands in her lap.

"I will be your perfect toy." She says before slightly tilting her head, "With a few conditions."

"Like what?"

"I still want freedom. I want to start living a life." She says, and she sees I'm contemplating it as she continues, "You gave me the choice to leave tonight and I stayed, didn't I?"

"What else?" I ask.

"You can't kill people over me. I know, shocker-"


"You can't!"

"He left a bruise on you-"

"It doesn't matter. Lots of people have, Levi. You included!" She exclaims, not letting me speak, "No matter what they do, hurt me, piss me off, piss you off, whatever the case, it doesn't give you the right to kill them. And look, I accept what you do, okay? As long they're bad people like you say. If they're anything like the people I've faced on the streets, you can send them a one-way ticket straight to hell, but just not over me, okay?"

I stay quiet, making her repeat okay? But it was hard to promise that. I have an extremely short temper when it comes to her, I don't know why.


"Anything else?" I interject.

She exhales softly before shaking her head. "Those are the only two things I want. And in return, I will be a perfect toy, let you do whatever you want, whenever you want. Because I trust you... Deal?"

She offers her hand up to me.

I look at her hand before looking back up at her eyes. I then take it from how sure they looked. My brow cocks up, "You do know you just made a deal with the Devil, don't you, Angel?"

She exhales softly and nods. "Yeah... I do."

LEVI 🔞Where stories live. Discover now