"Yea, I'm very clumsy. Hope you can deal with that though."

"Oh, don't worry! I have clumsy brothers. I dealt with them everyday, you are merely a small fraction of the problems they caused."

"Wow, sounds like a lot."

"It is, and I'm confused sometimes on how we are even related. It feels like I'm the only intelligent person in the house."

"Oh yeah, where do you live anyway? I've had a dream where I went to the sewers, and I heard your voice! It was really funny, because April kinda jumped through the window and she-"

"That wasn't a dream."


"You saw a big spiky figure, right? That was my brother, Raphael."

"Wait what?"

"The reason I was in your room that day was because I was told to get you back to your room."

"I was kinda scared that you might scream at me and make a ruckus because I'm a monster and that I'm-"

"What makes you think that?"


"Shush, let me finish."

"What makes you think that I'll be scared of you? Does everyone you see say that?"

"I could see you in the corner of my room that day, and I think I made eye contact?"

"You did research on me, no? I'm not human. By your logic, I'm a monster too."

"We are technically the same. Half-human and half-yokai?"

"I am not a yokai, I was a real turtle before this happened."

"Well, let's say half-human and half-animal. My mother's an animal yokai, if you didn't notice."

"So we're the same by genetic traits. We aren't so different."

"Well, I didn't actually know when I first met you, so...."

"Well now you know."

"Why don't we start over? Get to know each other under better circumstances. Like right now."

"Right now?"

"Mhm! It's dark already so I have some time. That is, if you have some to spare. I don't wanna keep you here all night, and I definitely-"

"I think I'll stay."

"Really?! I mean- Ahem. That's wonderful."

"Heheh, let me just text my brother first. He'll get worried if I leave without notice."

"You didn't tell him before you left?"

"It was just supposed to be a short fly, but something caught my eye. So I decided to pay a visit."

"Oh, alright. Let me go downstairs first. I'll get some things for you."

And there she goes. Back at it again. I picked up my phone and started texting Raph. If I don't, then I'll be dead when I come back home. And they would start stealing my stuff for themselves. What brothers.

After texting, I decided to take a look around. I didn't come on great circumstances the first time and I couldn't really pay attention to the details. Her desk was filled with sticky notes and a pile of books on the side. Perhaps those are her study books? They look similar to April's, so it would seem so. The walls were covered in luminous stickers, just like Mikey's. They come in various shapes and sizes, from a star to planets. She also has a picture wall. I couldn't see it from here, so I decided to walk up to it. There were more mutants, or yokais in those pictures. They look similar to her mother, and some of those yokais have their father's traits. It seems like she's the only one with a normal human body. Her 'siblings' I suppose, are more to yokai than human. But it's only her and her parents in this house. Where are they? The landscape on these pictures are highlighted with saturated colors, were they in the Hidden City? That sounds like a plausible theory considering that they are yokais. There are also a lot of fami- Wait? Is that Big Mama?! What is she doing in their family picture?! Don't tell me that she is related to these gentle, kind, and caring people! That can't be possible! She's a hellspawn of a trickster! She's also a-

His Voice | Rise! Donnie x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now