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Fran's POV


I'm fucking pissed again.

"Where the fuck are you baby?" I say softly to myself. It been ten minutes of fighting and killing dumb fucks and I still haven't found him. "Talk to me clay" I say into the com in my ear.

"I'm working on it boss. Give me five more minutes" he says

"Two" is all I say and I hear him aggressively typing something in his keyboard.

I open a door and immediately slam it shut. Just my luck I run into five bodyguards reloading their guns. I check mine and im all out. Fuck.

I hide behind I pillar and I hear one of them chuckle.

The fuck is funny?

"Your ass is out." He states and I let out a sigh.

"Side effect of having a fat ass" I shrug making a smirk appear on his face.

"Maybe we should have fun with this one first." He says approaching me slowly like a predator eying it prey. Except im not the prey in this situation but of course he thinks I am.

Men. They really are dumb as fuck.

I let him reach close to me till I feel his body heat radiating off of him and inhale a disgusting choice of cologne. I have to practically force myself to not gag at the smell.

He sizes me up so I stand a bit straighter and fold my arms causing my tits to perk up. Hos eyes dart to my cleavage and I immediately drop my hands back to my sides and my boobs bouncing from the movement. Seeing that this fuck is completely mesmerized by my tits I grab his gun from him and in one swift movement pulling the trigger. His body drops to the floor and I smirk proud of my perfect headshot.

I forgot about his friends until one of them speak up. "That was my younger brother you BITCH!" He screams. When I say scream I mean quite literally. Like a girl.

"You scream like that and im the bitch? Shut the fuck up" I grab my blade from my pocket and launch it at him successfully landing straight in his right eye. The other three charge at me. One has a blade, one has a gun and the other had some sort of syringe.

What is with these people and poison? Fuck

I go for the one with the syringe first. He swings his hand trying to plunge it in my neck. I move back dodging his movement twist his wrist and dig and syringe into his temple. His body immediately goes limp and slumps to the ground the same moment I was tackled to the ground by blade guy. He looks down at me and smirks cause he stabbed me in the abdomen. "You think you can take me down with a little stab wound? Cute." I smirk noticing his eyes widen a fraction. Not wasting another second I flip us over and stab his dick just for good measure. The sound of his screams are like music to my ears, he screams even louder as I twist the blade before I pull it out ready to slit his throat but guess who finally got some balls?

Gun guy.

I feel my left shoulder hot as blood starts gushing out of the wound. I turn to glare at gun guy seeing he is getting ready to pull the trigger again I pull blade guy over my body as a protective shield and the bullets take him straight in his head and neck.

"Great shot" I compliment before I toss the now dead body at gun guy and it hits him like a bowling ball. I quickly get up and charge toward gun guy only to get tackled to the ground. A-fucking-gain. "Stop fucking tackling me. This isn't football". Tired of fucking playing with these dumb motherfuckers I pull out the blade from his eye and his eyeball comes with it.


"Keep that eyeball!" Clay yells in my ears.

"You're to loud bitch god damn."

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