The light

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Remember what I said a few chapters before


Don't forget to comment bestiee💭


Dominic's pov



I'm fucked.

She won't wake up.

Why won't she wake up?

I fight back the tears that so badly want to come out. 'Please wake up baby' I murmur softly as I caress her cheek. The beeping sound of the monitor the only thing keeping me back from losing my shit. She better not leave me in this fucked up place.

"I swear to fuck if you don't wake the fuck up I'll throw a fit." I whispered into her ear. I slumped back down into the hospital chair I've been in for the past two days now.

I miss her

So fucking much

I can't help but feel like this is all my fault. First she gets kidnapped now she almost dead.

I can't believe how much I'm attached to her already. It fucking hurts. I promised myself never to get attached to anyone ever again because of this exact thing.

The pain.

I hate feeling it. It hurts so fucking much seeing her like this with all these fucking tubes and machines and shit attached to her.

The doctors said they don't understand why she hasn't woken up yet. She should been awake right after her surgery. They said the stress is probably just taking a toll on her.

There was an issue during surgery. She had already loss so much blood her heart stopped and her left lung deflated and they got her back but then her right lung gave up. And they got her back again.

Why did she keep trying to leave me?

I've thought of a million ways I would start telling her the background story of what happened to me. And why the guy that wanted her kidnapped, kidnapped her.

I'm so scared

This is so out of character for me. I've never cared for someone this much. I've never felt these types of emotions for someone. This is all so new to me and it scares me. It pushes me off because I never get scared. Everything is happening so fast. I feel like I'm on a high and any minute now I'm just going to drop.

"Please wake up Amore" I whispered leaning down to kiss her cheek. Letting the tear that has been wanting to come out free.




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