Broken Promises

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Fran's POV

I leaned back in my husbands office chair with an exhausted sigh.

I had been making calls summoning all my friends and family of the different mafia's worldwide. I am so sick of this bullshit war. It is going to end.

It had been three weeks since I last heard from my husband and his men.

They were gone

No contact. No sign. No signal to say that they were okay and something went wrong. Nothing. Its like they completely vanished. People were beginning to believe that their Don was a deadman but I knew better than to underestimate the power my husband held. He was indeed an arrogant bastard most times but he promised to come back to me. So im holding onto that promise with my fucking life.

A total of six mafias were coming here to stay with us for however long we needed them.

The Spanish, French, Russian, Asian, Cuban , And Irish mafias. All coming to join us tomorrow.

Since that motherfucker wanted a war that is exactly what he is going to get.

The past few days I had been resting and taking my medication along with making calls. I didn't want to do to much fearing putting to much strain on my body and I know he would kill me if he even thought I wasn't taking care of myself properly. To say that I got weaker was an understatement. Yes I am still very talented and still got my skills but my body is not fully charged yet and I can't have that if im going to go save my husband. I need my body to be at its full potential.

My brother in law literally barged into the office without knocking. Im surprised the door didn't break down with the amount of unnecessary force casted upon it. "Is there a reason why you're not in your room resting Sister?" Antonio glared at me.

"Well considering the fact that im trying to find my husband your Brother I can't rest right now Tony. Also I rested enough this morning" I say going to reading through emails making sure everything is good for when the boys arrive.

"I need things to run smoothly tony" I tell him softly with a defeated sigh.

"Everything is going to be okay sis. Come eat dinner with us. If you're going to go save Dommy then you need as much energy as possible." He smiles at me.

"He would kill you if he heard you call him Dommy" I say laughing at his dumb nickname for his brother.

"He loves it he's just to shy to admit it." He shrugs his shoulder nonchalantly


I make it to the dinner table and see that everyone is here. Both our parents, his grand parents and siblings along with some of his most trusted men. The rest of the men from the Russian mafia are to arrive tomorrow with Linc. Our underboss.

I take a seat at the top left of the table leaving the head of it empty for my husband. The whole room goes silent at the sound of my chair scrapping the floor and everyone just stares at me.

"Stop with the sad smiles and the pity looks. My husband is not dead. Have some faith in your Don. Its a shame that you guys know your Don longer than I do and I have more confidence in him than you do." I say confidently and loud enough so that everyone hears me.

"Its not that we don't have faith in him ma'am its just that before the Don left he sis's that if he isn't back in two days move on without him, ensure that you're happy and put you above all else. Most importantly love and protect each other with our lives cause we are not just a mafia we are family blood or not." I hear someone say.

"What's your name?" I ask politely

"Kingston ma'am" he answers bowing his head slightly

"Well Kingston no need to worry about me im doing great. But thank you I appreciate you for keeping your word to my husband." I say

"You welcome ma'am" he nods.

"Okay before we eat I would like to remind you all that the Irish, Asian, Russian, Spanish, French and Cuban. I expect we all know how to treat guests with manners and respect and treat them like they're one of your own. They will be spending time here living with us until we complete the mission. Now that im done with me over dramatic extra long speech for the second time we can begin eating." I end.

"Yes Donna." They begin eating and dorm chuckle to themself.

Wait did they just call me Donna? I mean I know that is what I am I just-

"You'll get used to it sweetie" Mom says giving my hand a pat.

"Thanks mom. Thank you all for being here for me. I really appreciate it." I say to everyone at our table.

"We're always here for you princess. No need to thank us" Dad says.


Its currently 7pm

Everyone got here already. They're getting to know each other forming bonds and mingling together. That's great cause tomorrow will be one hell of a day.

"Okay so lets begin shall we" I say to the members of the meeting.

"We have exactly one week to prepare for this upcoming battle. Every single day of the week we will be training day and night till the day before the attack which will be rest day. I presume everyone here knows each other but if not let me save y'all the trouble by introducing everyone.

"Leonardo is the Don of the Irish Mafia. Sebastian is the Don of the Spanish mafia. Christopher is the Don of the Cuban mafia. Kanan is the Don of the Asian Mafia. Giovanni is the Don of the Russian Mafia." I give them five minutes to say their greetings.

"So what the plan boss?" Gio says

"Okay so here's what's gonna happen. Each leader will pick a day to train everyone. When I say everyone I mean everyone. Help boost their skills to the maximum make sure they're using the right techniques give them a few tips and tricks y'all know the drill. Saturday will be our rest day and Sunday will be our fight day." I look around and see everyone just staring at me.

I give them an unimpressed look "Well any suggestions, objections what's going on?"

"Sounds like a plan"

"No objections here"


"Okay well great. You're dismissed to go hang out with everyone else your wives and children and the rest of the family" I barely finish my sentence before the men rush out to go see their wives.

I let out a soft laugh as I start packing my stuff. I hear an over dramatic sigh but I ignore it. I hear that same sigh but louder this time.

"Yes my dear brother" I say finally giving him my attention.

"Aww look at my lil sis all grown up now. Searching for her long lost love." He mumbles sighing dreamily hold his face in the palm of his hands. I roll my eyes at that annoying motherfucker and continue packing my shit.

"Yeah and...?"

"Nothing just proud of you sis. You've come so far. Remember when you use to hate him?" This time we both let out a laugh.

"That feels like so long ago doesn't it?" I say

"Yeah. It does. It really does." He replies.

I feel a lone tear roll down my cheek.

"I miss him so much. I really hope he's okay"


*Not edited*

Are the chapters too long?

Yes a double update🥺


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