Part 4

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The sun rises with clouds in the sky. Birds chatter off in the distance. Kro wakes up from feeling the warmth of the sun. He stares at the house and lets out a long sigh.

Slow, staggered steps approach the house. His instincts try to move him away it. They tell him that going to the house would be tantamount to death.

The only grave we should be thinking about is Arishem's. It will be a giant grave filled with all of his dismembered parts. Keep your focus on that.

He strokes his black goatee to gather himself. His ears give away the answer before he knocks on the door. He is now the sole resident of the house. Everything was cleaned with the lamps turned off. Like it was when he first got here.

He still can't get the image of Thena on his body when he unintentionally morphed back. He figures a strong emotion can undo a transformation that he wants to hold onto. He will never find love and he argues that he's okay with that.

Love is not what I really want, remember? Taking the creator's head off is the goal.

Wait. How did Thena leave without him noticing? He remembers The Domo is the Eternal's main form of transportation. It would have been loud so maybe she walked away. He didn't blame her for that.

Her not being here left the house empty. Her laughs could have filled up the space if she wasn't holding back. He couldn't find the strength to even sit down at the table as his mind kept replaying last night.

How their kiss made him feel so alive inside. For one moment, the idea of revenge wasn't on his mind.

He imagined what could have been between them, but he bangs the table with his fist. The table splits in half from his mixed emotions.

That's just perfect! Now I have to get a new one in case she comes back. I can't believe I'm stupidly optimistic about that. She's not coming back. Why would she? She would never love a Deviant.

He takes a deep breath and exhales. She said this was her home, so he will fix the table. He will just fly away to a new hiding place. He thinks about where to go while he goes outside for some wood. A place in the middle of nowhere with some livestock to hunt down. Somewhere she hasn't been to before.

He finds a good enough tree nearby to start cutting down. The birds fly off in a hurry before he could get close. Darkness falls upon him and the Australian landscape. Thunder rumbles as dark clouds form. At the same time, all of his survival instincts warn him of a familiar presence. He turns and fear freezes him in place. 

Ashirem's stoic face and body dwarfs the planet even from a distance. Kro is trapped in his gaze. 

His body shudders from having not seen his creator in a long time. But he fights against it. Pain, shame, rage, sadness, happiness. All of his emotions intensifying in his glowing eyes. He flies past the clouds into the darkness of space and fires away at his face!

The beam hits a barrier preventing it from going further. A powerful push of gravity slams him down and through the house. He quickly recovers from healing and pushes his powers to their absolute limits. Pulsing veins strike across his arms and legs. He pushes off the ground and flies near the speed of sound to go through his creator's heart.

A plasma beam comes out from the Celestial to shoot the Deviant down. Kro puts his hands out as he gets pushed back down to the Earth. His body strains from the energy output as he goes to compact it all. His shirt tears apart, revealing his upper body and veins. His tentacles come out and strike into the ground to hold himself in place.

He can't help but laugh. His creator is taking him seriously for once. He manages to contain it into a sphere.

He bares his teeth before his creator before firing it all back with his laser vision. It hits Ashirem's barrier before breaking it. The Celestial then swats the beam attack away with his gigantic hand.

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