Part 3

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The Australian sun falls on what was a beautiful day to Kro. The night sky settles in with the stars and the moon being the only light. The breeze that passes by is more delightful than the warm air of the day, but Kro doesn't mind either way.

Feeling her silky blonde hair in his hand. Holding her in his arms. Looking into her emerald eyes that shined from the daylight. Letting her know that she won't face that disease alone.

He uses his hearing to check on her. He's relieved to hear her light snoring.

To think an Eternal could snore, he chuckles to himself.

He slaps himself as he thinks about being by her side in the bed.

What's wrong with me? We are just allies, nothing more than that. But....

He tosses and turns around the red dirt until he falls asleep.


Daylight breaks the next day. The Deviant feels the warmth of the sun on his green skin. He turns his head away from the sun so he can sleep in a little more. His ears tell him that Thena is still sleeping. He thinks about making her breakfast, but he doesn't want to disturb the goddess' sleep.

Something tells him an abruptly awakened Thena would be more of a hassle than the Mahd Wr'ry condition.

His ears perk up after hearing her footsteps. He goes back to the house to check on Thena.

He knocks on the door to alert her.

"Coming in!", he announces.

He waits for a response and enters. Thena is washing the bowl of her dinner in the sink. He notices her hair is a mess, but he doesn't mind it.

"Morning. Did you sleep well?"

She doesn't respond back as she cleans the other dishes. He thinks it will take some time because of yesterday.

"I'm going to make us breakfast. Would you like some fried eggs with some roasted potatoes?"

"That sounds good", she finally responds.

Kro grins that she's talking to him. It may be short, but it was worth it to him. He slides past her to grab some eggs, spices, and desiree potatoes. As he was on his way out, he wanted to embrace her. To let her know everything will be alright.

However, their past together is a hurdle of untold pain and misery. They had hurt each other in more ways than one. He closes the door behind him to cook breakfast.

After making breakfast, he prepares plates for them. He gives a double portion of potatoes just for her.

"Thena! Breakfast is ready!"

Despite hearing her breathe, she's not taking a step outside.

"Just put it by the door!"

He thinks about saying something, but would it only push them apart as allies?

He places the plate right outside the door.

"It's right there."

Within seconds, the door opens, the plate is gone, and the door slams shut. He hears her eating the meal which gives him partial relief.

Maybe distance is what we need, while eating his food. He slowly eats to enjoy each flavor of his work. 

As the sun is high above the sky, the door opens again. Kro turns his head to see Thena with a towel and bathing oils in her arm. She looks at him as if she wanted to say something.

"Don't worry. I won't look", he assures.

"That wasn't what I was about to say. The bath is behind the house if you want to use it", she suggests with eyes looking away from him.

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