Part 2

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The last deviant awakens from the heat of the rising sun. Kro stretches his body out and lets out a long yawn. He finds some clothes that belonged to the former hero of strength and wears them to fit in as best as he could.

He mentally prepares himself as Ashirem will find out soon that Tiamut is no more. He thinks about the pain his creator had put his kind through. To be discarded like garbage after evolving as killing machines. Instead of keeping them alive to help them, he created a group of exterminators to wash his hands clean.

You don't even have the courage to do it yourself. What a lousy excuse for a god.

Kro opens the door to the outside. In the distance, Tiamut's stone hand protrudes over the horizon. He breathes in the warm summer air before going on a hunt. He uses his senses to stalk down some gazelle who are grazing in the grass.

His eyes glow as he taps into his anger. He releases it. The beam burns through the gazelle's body like paper. It was a quick death as the animal didn't groan from the pain. The other animals run away on instinct. Instead of moving to his next target, he feels the need to not waste his kill.

He takes the animal's body and skins it for a blanket. He preserves the meat for his future meals.

He questions himself. If he killed the rest of the Eternals, would he deal with more complex emotions? However, that thought disturbed him. Hurting Thena and the others is out of the question. He wonders what they are all up to. He stops himself. Sersi would kill him and seeing Thena would only bring more pain.

He hides himself as he hears something. His ears make out the being.

He internally sighs. A human? Great.

Curiosity gets the better of him as he moves into the Australian brush. A man with a rifle aiming at a tree.


Kro sees the hunter hitting a land fowl. The hunter moves towards his kill and yells out in pain. 

With his vision, he sees an inland taipan near the hunter. The man scrambles away from the snake, dropping his rifle in the process. He manages to get into his Jeep and drives off. Kro then sees his head drop to the steering wheel with the horn blaring. The vehicle is about to hit a tree.


Kro's right hand is on the Jeep with his left hand on the tree. The Jeep is forced to a stop. The blaring horn was getting on his last nerve.

He carefully lifts the man's head off the wheel. He finds the hunter is mostly unconscious. The man opens his eyes as he feels his body being moved around.

The man screams out. "No! I can't be in Hell!"

"You're not dead yet", Kro smirks.

The man is terrified to even move from this monstrous creature. Kro has had enough of his yelling that he softly knocks him out.

Normally, he would kill and eat this easy prey. But that all has changed. He finds the bite wound and draws all the venom out with one hand. He heals the wound and gives him something equivalent to an adrenaline shot.

The man shoots up with his arms out in front to protect himself. The monster he saw is no longer there. He finds the bite mark on his left leg is also gone. His eyes widen from seeing a large dent on the front of his Jeep. The hunter drives off without looking back. Investigating it further might be more of a problem.

A smile develops on the deviant's face. He laughs to himself as the man confused him for the devil.

Maybe he will reconsider his life choices.


Kro enjoys some baked venison for lunch, utilizing the spice rack to make it savory. He wouldn't mind living this kind of life once his creator is dead. Something simple like this. He can hunt and be far away from people. For a long time. A very long time.

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