Part 1

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Black smoke funnels up towards the sunlit sky. Tremors are shaking an island in the Indian Ocean that is void of vegetation and life. The combination of these two things is the signal of a looming ominous event. An event that will implode the entire planet.

The island shakes not only from the shifting of the tectonic plates, but also from infighting among the Eternals. Ikaris uses his laser vision to hold back Phastos, Makarri, and Thena.  He entrusts Sprite to handle Sersi and Druig.

To him and Sprite, the Emergence must happen so a new Celestial will be born. The others want to stop Tiamut's birth so humanity can thrive for future generations. He finds the consequences of no new Celestial bigger than all of them combined.

No new galaxies or life to prosper. He won't let that happen.

They fail to take notice of the Deviant who walks out of the water. The slimy green creature has grown more powerful since absorbing the memories and powers of Ajak and Gilgamesh. As the last Deviant on Earth, he just needs to kill the rest to avenge his fallen brethren.

He imagines how upset Ashirem, their mutual creator, would be since he would have to create a whole new batch of Eternals from scratch.

But something puzzles the creature as he hides behind the rocks. He sees three of them fighting Ikaris while the Emergence looms forward.  He waits for the right moment to strike.

He finds his chance as Phastos restrains Ikaris to the sandy beach with his technopathy. His tentacles stab into Ikaris as he goes to crush his head! The technopath blasts the creature. The force pushes the Deviant into a nearby cave. Thena runs inside to avenge her fallen loved ones.

He quickly traps her arms to stop her from using her spear and shield. The hardened warrior struggles against his tentacles. However, he doesn't weaken nor absorb her powers. He thinks as he looks at her with his four eyes.

"I won't kill you, Thena. I have some questions for you."

The Eternal's jaw drops from hearing the Deviant speak. She pieces it together that he must have learned to speak after killing her beloved Gilgamesh. Her emerald eyes stare daggers at him.

The Deviant exhales. "Why are you fighting each other when the emergence is oncoming?"

She is perplexed. This creature has gotten smarter.

"Why does it matter to you?!", she shouts.

The special Deviant realizes their conversation would lead to nowhere if he doesn't act quickly. He notices her eyes are turning white as she tries to resist the disease in her head. He knows what it is due to absorbing the fallen Eternals: Mahd Wy'ry

His voice then changes to a lower pitch.

"Thena, it's okay. You're safe. I won't hurt you."

Hearing Gilgamesh's voice from the Deviant makes her sick. She thinks about releasing control to the disease to end this creature's life.

"Thena, you are stronger than you know. What Ashirem did to us was wrong."

His tone weirdly calms her down with her eyes going back to green. The Deviant clears its throat as he slowly lets go of the goddess of war. He retracts the tentacles into his body. Thena stares at him, wondering what the vile creature is planning.

"Is the reason you're fighting Ikaris is because you disagree with the emergence?"

Her body shudders as he read her like an open book. She nods.

The creature takes a step forward as the cave rumbles. "Then I want to help you."

His comment floors her. "I thought you would want to kill all of us."

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