Random Stuffs

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One word: Bloopers

This is just something I'll create if I'm having a writer's block. 

Anywho, Enjoy!


"Get back here!" Sasuke yelled as Shisui ran away from him while holding a tomato onigiri that was made for him. Shisui turned his head and stuck his tongue out while Itachi and I watched with amusement with tea in our hands. We brought the tea cup to our lips and took a sip. How enjoyable. Shisui kept making faces to Sasuke that he didn't realize that he was about to run into a tree. Itachi and Seraphina looked at each other before Seraphina took out a camera from who knows where.

They both grinned evilly, knowing they're about to get some blackmail. They turned back with anticipation to the 2 where Sasuke was still yelling at him while Shisui was still making faces at him. Shisui's head turned back forward to see enlarged brown bark before him. Before he could comprehend why, he ran, face first into the tree. Seraphina quickly hit the shutter and managed to take a picture of the moment. She leaned over to Itachi to let him see it which made us snicker.

Seraphina created a clone and handed the camera to her which made Itachi raise an eyebrow at her action. She held a finger to her lips with a mischievous glint in her eyes and had mischievous smile. Itachi still had questions but waved it off, believing that the girl will tell or show him in a bit.

"Random question, when's Shisui's birthday?" Seraphina asked. "It's on October 19, why do you ask?" Itachi asked. "Fu, fu, fu~ You'll see!" Seraphina chirped. Itachi had a hunch but didn't know if he was correct.

Soon October 19 had arrived and a birthday party was thrown at Shisui's house. "Happy Birthday, Shisui!" Everyone shouted. "Thanks everyone!" Shisui exclaimed with glee. He started opening his presents. Itachi got him a one of a kind sword that had Shisui's initials in the Uchiha colors, Sasuke got him a necklace that had the Uchiha symbol, Mikoto got him a crow egg, Fugaku got him some tea from the land of tea as for Seraphina...

Shisui happily opened Seraphina's present to see a photo album. "Oooooo" he took it out and showed it to everyone. He started flipping through it which was mainly filled with pictures of him, Itachi and Seraphina. Although he stopped at one particular photo. "HIMEKO-CHAN!!!! WHAT IS THIS?!!" Shisui shrieked while holding it up to show everyone. Everyone's eyes landed on the very picture Seraphina took on that day!

A picture of Shisui running into a tree! "Happy Birthday!" Seraphina beamed with a peace sign before running away. Shisui threw down the photo album and chased after the girl, "Get back here!" Seraphina kept running and soon started jumping  rooftop to rooftop, "Nahhh"

The other stared at the picture before Itachi took it out. Before anyone asked, Itachi said, "I'm going to frame this," and walked out. A few moments later, people fully registered Itachi's words and bursted out laughing. What a great day.

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