10- Evaluation: Part 1

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Seraphina POV:

Yeah, I either paint, sew new clothes, meditate, cook or look for business partners to sell my clothes and my jewelry designs and I plan to sell my paintings as well. When my evaluation came up, I was already pretty famous in the village since my designs were something people never seen and they were clothes that would scream "beauty". I became very popular in women's fashion, and soon I became well known in men's fashion as well since I decided to sew a yukata for men at some point.

A week has passed and now it's time for my evaluation. Starting from the lowest ninja rankings, it's genin, chunin, jounin, anbu and lastly hokage. I'm definitely not going to be genin since their missions are literally chores, their missions are considered D-ranks. Chunin get missions that regards on escorting people and killing bandits which are either C or B-rank missions. Jounin get missions that have actual ninjas, it's either an infiltration or assassination mission. If not then it would probably be delivering important scrolls, these missions are either A or S-rank. Anbu gets the
top secret missions which means all missions are at least A or S-rank.

I sighed. Today's my evaluation... well then I'll be becoming a chunin in a bit. Let's see how this plays out.

I jumped rooftop to rooftop until I got the training grounds 34 where there was a good amount of people waiting. Many of the villagers came to spectate as well. There were anbu, a few jounins, about a handful of villagers, some important looking people whom I assume are either clan elders or village elders and lastly the hokage.

"Hello Himeko" said the hokage. Now that I think about it, I don't know his name... note to self, don't let it slip up that I don't know the leader's name.

"Greetings Lord Hokage" I curtsied in respect.

He nodded. "As you know, it's time for your evaluation" I nodded in response.

"Well then, do your best." He gave a smile in which I returned. "You'll be fighting against one of our strongest genin then chunin and so on" I nodded. "I'll give you 5 minutes to prepare" he added. I went to sharpen my kunais and putting my senbon needles in place.

Starting from the weakest to strongest? That's good, I'll know if I have to hold back. I've already attracted enough attention back then. Shisui-san's team probably told or already told the hokage about my ice release, fuinjutsu, medical ninjutsu, and my butterflies.

Wait now that I think about it, wouldn't it make me higher than chunin level but jounin or anbu? God dammit, I restricted about 15 rogue nin on my own in literally a minute. Seems like becoming chunin isn't an option at all, I'll have to become jounin. This is so annoying, an 8 year old who came out of no where becoming a jounin and possibly an anbu soon. Welp, I'm going to literally be a beacon in the village, people are going to be staring at me as a prodigy. I should've registered as a normal citizen.

"Well then, it's time to begin your evaluation Himeko" the hokage announced. This caught everyone's attention then a boy with the leaf headband in a dark red jacket with a white shirt underneath with dark red shorts and a kunai holster on his right side of his waist stepped forward. "This is one of our most skilled genin, if you defeat him, you will go against one of our most skilled chunin and so on." said the proctor who was more pale than normal. Is he sick?

"This is the girl I'm fighting? Pfft, I'll beat her in a minute!" the boy boasted. More like the other way around....

"The genin evaluation shall start once I say begin" After a few moments of silence, he shouted "Begin!"

The boy started running towards me while throwing kunais and shurikens at me but I just tilted my head to the right and left while doing a few sidesteps. When he closed his distance and was in front of me, he threw a punch in my face. I sidestepped again and did a roundhouse kick that was accidently aimed at his butt (Look, I'm an 8 year old while the boy looks like he's 13 years old, you can't expect me to somehow be able to kick him in the head if I'm way shorter than him). Quite comical really.

While the boy was kicked back, I quickly ran behind him while leaving a white blur on the field before appearing behind him and caught him by the shoulder with one hand while the other held a kunai against his neck.

"It's over" I said calmly with my yellow eyes piercing his.

The boy trembled under my grip while I looked at the proctor, expecting him to announce me as the winner which he did. I could tell many people's jaws dropped to the ground. Lol. I let go of the boy and as he walked back to the spectators, another person stepped up whom I assume was a chunin.

"The chunin evaluation shall start when I say begin"

The chunin is a female who looks like she's 14 years old. She was wearing a grey flak jacket with a black T-shirt underneath. Black fingerless combat gloves, black pants with a kunai holster on her left side and wore her forehead as a headband.

She took her place on the opposite side of the training grounds while facing me with her eyes narrowed. Seems like she's not an arrogant one but the observing type. Well then at least she's not like the previous one. "Begin!" the proctor shouted, none of us made a move. Well then, I guess I'll make the first move. I sighed while muttering under my breath, "Yang style: Luminous Step" and took a step forward.


3rd Hokage's POV:

Himeko took down one of our strongest genin with no effort which is impressive for her age but I could tell there's more to her on the inside. She restricts 15 rogue nin on her own, capable of medical ninjutsu of higher caliber than normal nurses, knows fuinjutsu and has a ice release kekkei genkai.

I watched her mutter something under her breath and take a step but what I didn't expect is to see her literally disappear and reappear in front of Saori (the chunin). That speed is comparable to Minato's! It might be faster or not but it's definitely comparable to Minato's. She's definitely around jounin level, if not higher.

I watched Himeko jab Saori in the stomach and while Saori was kicked back and hunching over in pain. Himeko kicked her in the stomach again towards the trees, before Saori could get up Himeko threw senbon needles that pinned her to the tree and held another senbon needle against her neck.

Not a single jutsu, except for whatever Himeko was saying earlier but she didn't show any signs of hand signs at all so she probably didn't use a jutsu at all.


Seraphina POV:

Well that was easy....

"Masaki Himeko is the winner" the proctor announced. I pulled my senbon needle away from the girl's neck, pulled all my senbon needles out of the tree and hovered my hands over her stomach. My hands glowed green, indicating that I was using the Mystic Palm Technique. I healed her wounds before standing up with my hand reached out to her.

I smiled, "Please excuse me for being so rough" I said. She took my hand as I hoisted her up, "It's fine, it's expected to get injured during a fight" she replied. "Besides, you're strong, very strong." she added and walked to the spectators.

"The jonin evaluation shall start when I say begin" the proctor announced while someone else in a green flak jacket appeared the training ground.

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