4- Peculiar

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Itachi POV:
We were all cornered and when we were about to fight to the death, we were saved by a little girl. She looked at she was around Sasuke's age but more mature.

"Did you say something?" She asked to the rogue nin who was screaming their lungs off at her. I held in my laughter while I could hear Shisui about to die of laughter. When she came closer, I had a better look on her.

She had radiant gold eyes with a doll like face, white hair tied in a bun and was wearing a white kimono with a simple flower design that slipped off her shoulders, a black obi with gold trimmings and had her kimono a little longer than waist length. A small black bow on her lower back with golden trimmings along with long black fingerless gloves and wore 2 golden bracelets in both hands with black leggings. She wore what seemed to be black heels (Black platform heels) with golden trimmings.

She's a beauty and a strong one as well who also have a sense of humor too. She looks so innocent.

When she extended her hand asking for money, I felt my face kissing the ground and heard everyone else falling with their faces kissing the ground. I suppose we should pay her for saving us but who would've thought that an innocent looking girl with a doll like face could say it so bluntly? Shisui handed the girl 10000 ryo while Yamato groaned in pain. The girl approached him.

"Let me" was all she said before her hand were coated in green as Yamato's wound slowly closed but left a scar on his stomach. She knows medical ninjutsu as well? How interesting. After we all introduced ourselves

"Use silicone gel or sheets to erase your scars" she said. I blinked. Huh? It's unheard of that there's a way to erase scars. There was a shadow looming over us, we all look up to see the sun setting. 

"Let's call it a night, tomorrow, we head back to the Leaf" Shisui announced. Just as he said that a bunch of animals appeared. Snakes, salamanders, butterflies and cats. I saw Himeko smile and extended her hand only to see one of the butterflies fly up and land on her hand. 


Seraphina POV:

Janelle-chan landed on my finger while I proceeded to pet her. Soon after everyone else came, Synder-chan and some other butterflies tucked themselves in my hair while Casper jumped in my arms. I scratched under her chin while she gave out satisfied purrs, I walked towards a tree and sat down on my knees. I put Casper-chan on my lap while taking out the scroll that contained food and cooking utensils. 

I opened it and controlled the scroll to make only a pan, oil, a spatula, a stand and a bunch of ingredients popped out. Everyone looked at me with widened eyes. Right, they don't know I can do fuinjutsu as well. Well then, they know I can do medical ninjutsu, have a ice kekkei genkai and use fuinjutsu. That's... quite an odd combination, not only that... they know animals love me. As Casper snuggled into my stomach, Synder, Janelle and the other butterflies tucking themselves in my hair like a blanket, Cindrix crawling up from behind to sit on my shoulder and Seviper slithering over to one of my hands and laid his head there. 

As much as I wanted to use fire style or use one of my butterflies to start a fire, they'll know I can use fire style which will make me stand out more, how annoying. 

"Can one of you start a fire?" I asked cheerily. Itachi-san used the fireball jutsu to start a fire. I placed Casper-chan down while I put the stand over the fire and put my pan on the stand. I poured in some oil and asked, "What do you guys want to eat?". 

"Anything is fine" Shisui-san said with a smile.

"Alright, a omelet it is I guess." I cracked an egg to prepare an omelet, seasoned it after it was well cooked and placed it in a plate. I repeated the process 10 times. 5 for the shinobis, and 5 for my animal friends. 

"Himeko-chan, what are you going to eat?" Shisui-san asked. Himeko-chan?  "You're clearly younger than us, so you should be eating more!"

I smiled gently, "I'm allergic to meat so I'm going to make myself a salad". That's a lie, I'm not allergic at all! I simply dislike meat. 

Shisui-san blinked then nodded. I picked up some lettuce, cabbage, tomatoes, spinach, blueberries and some strawberries. I summoned a kitchen knife from my scroll and started cutting while I heard them whispering something. I mentally commanded one of my butterflies to listen in on them. 

"Are you sure we can trust her?" Yamato-san asked.

"I find it quite suspicious that she has meat and yet she says she's allergic" said Naomi-san. What an absolute idiot, I thought she'd realize that the meat is for the others. 

"Naomi, the meat is clearly for the animals, seems like Himeko knows the animals. They're probably friends" said Kakashi-san. At least one of them has a brain...

"Now, now guys. Himeko clearly means no harm since she could've just left us to die." said Shisui-san. That's right! Listen to your captain! "Although, it's suspicious that she would help us. We'll have to find out what she wants". I TAKE MY WORDS BACK!!!

"Shisui's right" said Itachi-san. God dammit, you too Itachi-san?! Mou~ I thought we're friends! D: 

I finished making my fruit salad and adding in some sauces then I sat down at my original position and started eating. I smiled in content while eating my salad. After finishing my dinner, I sealed my bowl and sealed my other cooking utensils. The shinobis finished eating their omelets for a while and so did the cats, snakes and salamanders. I picked up their plates and sealed them. After a few minutes, all the butterflies came back after drinking some nectar for dinner. They all tucked themselves in either my hair or in a nearby plant.

I got myself in a comfortable position and shut my eyes as I drifted off to "sleep". 


Shisui POV:

I looked at the now asleep curled up girl and turned my attention to my team. 

"Alright, I'll take the first shift. Itachi, you'll take the second shift then Naomi" I said. They all nodded and went to  sleep. I decided to take this time to think back at the earlier events and questions started popping off in my head. 

Where is this girl from? Is there anything else she knows? How old is she? 

While watching over the team, I heard some rustling. I glanced over to the direction to see Himeko waking up while rubbing her eyes, my eyes narrowed. Why's she awake at this time? I watched her get up and see her cat waking up as well while the cat mewed at Himeko. 

"Sorry for waking you up, please go back to sleep Casper-chan" she said softly. The cat nodded and put their head back down. She started walking away from the campsite and my eyebrows furrowed. Where's she going? I left a shadow clone in my place to look after the team and followed her from the shadows. Later on we came to a stop at a beautiful meadow. She took off her heels and left them at a nearby tree.

She walked to the middle of the meadow with the moonlight flashing down on her features and started... dancing?

1262 words

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