41- Uchiha Massacre: Part 2

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Seraphina's POV:

"Yes, I accept the mission. I will annihilate the clan one week from now in exchange for my brother's survival" Itachi stated. Yeah, I snuck another butterfly in his head earlier. I had one of my eyes closed to look through one of Itachi's eyes. Invasion of privacy? Eh, I could care less, at least Itachi never has any perverted thoughts.... I hope... //I_I\\

"Very well, apart from your brother, there can be no other survivors in the district." Danzo stated as he walked away. I reopened my eye that had Itachi's vision as the full view of my office came back. 'Apart from your brother, there can be no other survivors in the district' huh. I may not be part of the clan but... I live in the district. Hn. Danzo really wants me dead doesn't he? Wait, what did I just.... I sighed. Curse Uchihas and their 'hn' language, Itachi's rubbing off of me.

I continued filling out piles of paperwork. I'd love to kill Danzo right now but... someone else would probably like to kill him themselves. Like Itachi, Sasuke and other victims to Danzo's crimes. Danzo, your days are numbered the moment you're exposed. I quickly got through more piles of paperwork and eventually finished after a few hours. Soon, I won't have to go through the pain of paperwork.

I looked out the window to see it was already dark then turned to the clock. It's already 9? I got up and starting walking back to the compound. But before going back, I made a stop at a familiar mountain. Where I first sang out of Lindes. It's been 2 years, and someone wants me dead already. Eh, many wants him dead as well. Literally.

I looked up the sky and laid in the grass for a while before getting up. I should go back now... I unfurled my wings before seeing a cloud in the distance. Might as well sleep on a cloud. I smiled at the thought, I started flying up while weaved some hand signs. "Cloudpillow" I felt very light as I landed on the cloud. I looked down on the village to see it was filled with lights in the dark. I should paint this since it's probably the last time I'll see something like this in a long time. I laid down on the cloud and dozed off.


I woke up a bright sun that stared down on me. I hissed at the sudden change of light and rubbed my eyes and looked down to see no lights on and little civilians on the streets. It's probably the crack of dawn. I flew down to my house in the civilian district to make breakfast for myself since I didn't eat dinner and went to sleep right away. I'll meet up with Itachi at the hokage tower.

Made myself a sandwich for breakfast and went to the tower. I found Itachi sitting on the rooftop of the hokage tower, overlooking the village. I flew up there to join him, we sat there in silence before I broke it. "Who was that man?" I asked. "What do you mean?" Itachi replied. "The masked man, just letting you know Itachi. I have butterflies everywhere in the village and outside the village." I said sternly.

"If you do, then you should know the man don't you think Himeko?" Itachi replied with another question and widened eyes." I sighed, "Of course I know. He claims himself as Madara Uchiha but I highly doubt it. I think he's just a face for the real one but it's still possible that he actually is Madara Uchiha."

"He's a very suspicious person but I trust you know what you're doing. After all, you're letting him help you annihilate the clan to protect the village" I said. "I might as well also say that I heard your discussion with Danzo yesterday. I'll be ready for it." I finished. Itachi's eyes widened even more before returning to it's blank form. "So you've heard... should've expected it." Itachi said. I nodded, "I don't mind dying to your hand." I said.

Suddenly, I felt 2 hands on my shoulders, shaking me. "How could you say that so casually?" Itachi asked, "You can always move back to your old house back in the civilian dis-". "No, I won't. Besides, if I do, Danzo will still find some way to kill me or use me. Itachi, I don't intend to be used as a tool. I prefer dying to you instead of that man." I stated. "I cannot kill you, I won't," he replied while shaking his head.

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