6|Memories & practice

Start from the beginning

I made a confused face. "Homecoming is next Friday already?"

She laughed. "Yeah. How could you forget?"

"I haven't attended homecoming since freshman year. It slipped my mind. Anyway, that doesn't matter. What'd you say? Was he being pushy again?"

Unlike me, Avi never missed a school dance. He always had a date as well. I didn't know who he was bringing this year, though.

"I said no, but he handled it fine. I just wanted to mention it since I forgot to yesterday."

"Oh, okay."

A beat, then;

"So, do you want to watch Avi's practice today? We haven't yet this season and I don't know, maybe it's the push you need to talk to him more again. I mean, basketball is his thing and I know it means a lot to him when you come to his practices and games."

The season had recently begun, so it wasn't like it had been months. I didn't feel like going but Zora seemed so excited about it, I couldn't help but agree.

We talked a little more before we had to part ways. Now all that was left to do was survive the school day.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

While I had thought about banging my head against a wall approximately ten times a minute, I hadn't acted on it. That was a success for me. A small one, but alas, a success nonetheless. The urge had gotten much stronger during Math, yet I managed to not have an anxiety attack. Even as the lesson came to an end and I had to approach my teacher. My heart thrummed loudly and I shoved my trembling hands into my pockets.

"Hey, Mrs. Leigh," I said, my throat feeling dry.

She glanced up from the stack of papers she was organizing, a polite smile spreading on her face. Suffocating the anxiety, I forced myself to get out the words I'd been practicing in my head the entire day.

"I'd like to take you up on the offer you presented me the other day. The one about a tutor."

Holding my breath, I hoped she wouldn't notice my fiddling fingers and shaky voice. A plethora of creative scenarios of her reaction had run through my brain, even if I knew only a few of them were realistic.

"That's great, Naya. I think I have the perfect person for you. I'll have a chat with him. Would you be okay with staying after the lesson is finished tomorrow so I can introduce you to him?"

At first, all I did was nod, until I realized responding with words was probably a good idea.

"Of course. Thank you, Mrs. Leigh."

As I stepped out of the classroom, I almost went to the parking lot. It wasn't until I recalled my interaction with Zora earlier about watching Avi practice, that I changed directions to the gym.

Despite wanting nothing more than to slump down on my bed, eat chips, and cry, I had promised Zora that I'd show up. So show up I would.

When I made it to where they had their practice, I noticed Zora already sitting on the bleachers. Practice had apparently not yet started because she was chatting with Avi. Breathing deeply, I walked up the bleachers and plopped down next to Zora. My appearance made them halt their conversation and acknowledge me.

"Oh, hi, Naya," Zora greeted.

It almost felt like I'd intruded on something private. The thought made me shift in my seat uncomfortably. My brother smiled at me and then jogged down to join his teammates. Practice was about to start.

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