I stopped where I was and Jared looked back at the girl. "I got to go," he said gesturing towards me and then came my way. The girl looked at me and then turned and walked further down the hall.

Jared smiled at me and then gave me a hug. I pulled away a little though. "Who was that?" I asked.

"Uh she's a girl that writes articles for the schools newspaper. She was just asking why I wasn't playing today." He kissed my cheek reassuringly and walked me down the hall. He was already changed out of his football stuff.

"So I was thinking. Do you want to do something right now? We could go see a movie or we could do something else if you wanted," I suggested.

"I'd love to but I already made plans." He looked at me sadly. "With friends," he said when he realized I had gotten sad once again. The thought of him cheating was always on my mind now.

"Oh okay," I said disappointed. "That's alright. Maybe some other time. I should probably go. Lydia's waiting." I smiled at him and turned to walk away. I was praying that he would say something like 'I'll cancel the plans with my friends,' or at least grab my arm and say goodbye but he didn't. I turned around to see if he was there still but he was already gone.

The whole car ride home I was silent. Partially because I was still playing the game with William but also because I was sad because Jared didn't stop me.

When we got home I got out of the car with the boys and on the way into the house Lydia asked if I was alright. I didn't want to bore her with it all so I just said I was fine.

When I spoke though William popped his head in the doorway and said, "Haha you lose." He stuck his tongue out at me and I chased him up the stairs. I grabbed him once he got to the top and I carried him into his room. I plopped him on the bed and started tickling him.

After a few hours of me and Wesley playing with William in the living room I decided I would make so sandwiches for lunch. I got up from the living room floor and left Wesley and William on the floor playing apples to apples.

I walked into the kitchen and took out the ham and cheese from the refrigerator. There was so much food in this house. What was Lydia thinking when she decided to have eight boys? I took out the condiments and started to wash my hands.

"Ellie it's your turn," William shouted from the other room.

"Just play without me," I yelled back. I heard William giggle at something and then I heard them continue playing.

When I was done washing my hands I took out the bread and a couple knives. "What do you boys like on your sandwiches?" I asked.

Wesley yelled back, "We all like the same thing. Ham, cheese, mayonnaise and mustard." That was easy enough. "But William doesn't like the crust on his sandwiches."

"Yeah no crust," William said.

"Okay no crust." I started to make a couple sandwiches and when I was on the third one, Chase and Ethan came through the front door. "Hey, great job in the game," I said to both of them.

They both laughed a little and in unison said "Thanks."

"I'm making ham sandwiches. Do you want one?" I asked them.

"Yeah sure," Chase said while walking up the stairs.

Ethan came into the kitchen and started washing his hands. "I'll help." He was wearing a white tank top and shorts. He didn't look too dirty from the game so I let him help.

Once he dried his hands off he took two pieces of bread out and started by putting some mayonnaise on one side. On the other piece of bread he put mustard on. He neatly placed the ham on the mustard covered piece of bread. He put five pieces of ham on and then put two pieces of cheese on top of that. He put the mayonnaise piece of bread on top of the cheese and took the mustard knife. He wiped each side on the rim of the container and cut his sandwich in half. He took out a plate and put the sandwich on it.

3000 Miles for the Boys [completed]Where stories live. Discover now