Final Battle of the God of War(3)

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Seas of Sios, April 6th 2:14 Pm

In A Deep blue sea where the hellish Flames of Battle was the dish of the day, Hundreds of Ships, Many battered beyond the point of sanity, fired shells at each other like nothing else mattered, as if the crews were over taking by The souls of men without fear. But for the 453 Ships that were fighting for hours now, they could finally feel the Clam fall upon them, for they were all low on shells.

Many ships began to pull back to their supply ships to reload, both sides had a few dozens, enough for maybe 50 or 60 ships to fully reload, but not enough for all their ships. But for now, only 2 ships, 37Km Away refused to pull back. The Two Flagships of both fleets moved closer to each other.

''If they want a Fight to the Death, then they shall get one'' Said Caesar to his crew.

''We will Fight to the Last shell, For Germany and The Kaiser'' Said Ludwig to his crew

As Both Legendary ships aimed their guns at each other, The other ships, which had stopped firing to witness this Historic Fight, could Only hold it Breath for when they heard the sound, they knew The Real Battle had Began.


Both ships unleashed their ferocious power, And Within mere seconds, their entire ships were surrounded by Smoke from their Guns, much bigger than their own ships, and without missing a single second, They began to reload as soon as they fired, Huge Pillars of Water sprouted all around them after a while, Causing Water to hit over 100 Meters from the explosions. A Loud silence fell over the ocean as Both sides readied to fire once more, But the small silence after 4 hours, Broke just as fast as it came.


This time, The shells all hit their target, The extreme training of both Crews showed their fruits, The Bismarck was hit 6 times, But it's Thick Armor of its belt, Shrugged it off, Moving as if it was never hit in the first place, At 32.6Km they Got lucky. The Grade Atlastar was Hit 4 Times, 2 times in the Belt, which did nothing, 1 shell hit the Deck near the Belt, which did open a 38cm hole in the Deck, But, it was only a surface hole near the hull, which did no lasting damage, But the Last shell hit the barrel in the right of the second turret, Causing a Massive explosion, Which made the Barrel unusable.

''''Bastards!'''' Spat Caesar and Rockstar only seconds apart

While many ships felt the power of the Bismarck for it's hits and durability, the same was not for the Admiral.

''Armor piecing rounds almost did nothing'' Ludwig said

And so Began a real Fight, Both ships tried to get closer, But the Grade Atlastar, with it's speed, always stayed too far away for a Good Killing Blow, While whenever the Bismarck tried to get closer to the Grade Atlastar, She would in turn get away, But both still fired salvo after salvo.

In 1 Hour, 93 Shells were landed on the Grade Atalstar by the Bismarck, Causing small holes everywhere, Which while did not a whole lots of damage, The Flames allowed the Bismarck to Appear the least hurt, But it had received 193 Shells, all In the Hull or the Turrets, while they were for the most part exploded with No real Massive damage, It did cause the ship to become more sluggish from the constant impacts.

Admiral Ludwig was amazed by all of this. That his Ship was still Standing after so many attacks. He thought just maybe, the ship would emerge with no damage almost, But then he saw the ships 8 cannons pointed right at him, they were 25.7Km Away. He turned Pale as a Sheet of paper. He didn't see them coming in a Dead attack right for them before Turning full sideways

''Evade! Evade! Quick!'' He shouted

The Bismarck Began to make evasive turns to try and dodge the 8 shells that were surly coming.

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