Battle of Gim

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Principality of Kua Toine, western region, 20 kilometers from the border, Town of Gim

Central Calendar year 1639, April 5th, afternoon

The captain of the western knight order, Moiji, felt uneasy.

The western forces consisted of 3000 infantry, 200 Musket-men,300 cavalry/Hussars, 24 dragons, and 30 mages.

Kua Toine had many combat-ready soldiers since they were in a semi-state of emergency, but the enemy forces that they could see all along the border surpassed them. What's more, all of their communications continued to be pointedly ignored by Lauria.

Some of the citizens had already started evacuating from Gim, at the government's urging.In All of 100 000 Citizens,over 48 000 managed to leave Gim

Even with their new fancy uniforms and weapons,most only had the bare Minimum of training to use them,But From what Germany said,they should be able to kill heavy amounts before they have to withdraw.

"Still nothing from Lauria, huh?" Moiji asked a communications mage.

"Our messages should be reaching them just fine, but we still haven't received any response back. I can only conclude that they're ignoring our communications."

With a small difference in numbers, a solid strategy could be used to avoid a route. However, with these conditions, it was going to be a slaughter. What should be done...? He could hide in the city a make them bleed,he could go into the forest to fight on or...

"What did HQ say about our request for reinforcements?"

"We've repeatedly tried contacting HQ, but the only answer we get is 'we are currently in an emergency conference,' they won't tell us anything more specific except to evacuate the people and to wait for the Germans in 2 day time."

"Fuck! This isn't a picnic! If we have to fight with only the soldiers we have here, without any hope of reinforcements, Gim is already lost! Damn it all...! we can't hold for 2 days!"

With various thoughts swirling in their minds, time passed clouded in uncertainty.

1639, April 6th early morning(Same day and time as Operation Typhoon)

20 kilometers from the border, Town of Gim

All of a sudden, red smoke began to rise up at the national border west of Gim. At the same time, a panicked message came in via communication magic.

"A huge number of Laurian wyverns have invaded Gim! And... thousands of soldiers are pouring in over the border! The invasion has begun! I repeat...!!! Run for your lives—!! Gahh...! ..."

The call ended. Captain Moiji, after seeing the red beacon signifying Lauria's invasion of Kua Toine, roared out orders.

"1st and 2nd dragon squadrons lift off, engage the enemy wyverns! cavalry, scramble to the right flank and disrupt them! Infantry form ranks! Get our Musket men in the back lines and offer support at maximum range! Mages, if you don't join the offensive, just keep the winds favorable to our position."

The dragon squadrons took off,24 fully-geared wyverns rising up into the sky. They split into two squadrons, with one staying near the ground while the other ascended to maximum altitude.

Soon after, the skies in Lauria's direction became peppered with black dots. After seeing the huge number of growing enemies, Kua Toine's dragon riders felt their hearts freeze.

Kingdom of Lauria eastern subjugation army, advance force,1st dragon attack wing,size:75

Kua Toine's dragon squadron bravely and boldly flew forward to meet Lauria's dragons.Lauria's 75 dragon riders had them in their sights.

German Kaiserreich in Nihonkoku ShoukanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora