U-Boat Massacre and Iwo Jima Landings

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Gra Valkan Invasion Fleet, February 21st 1644

The Gra Valkas fleet moved along, they were inching ever closer to their next Objective, A Island which was 729KM From Rodenuis was now just 161Km Away, with 1520 Ships, they had a 3 to 1 advantage over their enemy, Caesar, who still felt something was wrong talked with Captain of the Grade Atlastar, Rockstar.

''The Germans allowed us to get this far without any show of force, I feel they are up to something'' Said the God of War ''Tell the fleet to remain on high alert''

''That's a wise call, but don't worry, With this many ships, we will still prevail'' Said Rockstar

Just then a Officer came to them.

''Er, Sirs, We got a message from the Forces in Leifor, Mu attack a Naval Base some 140Km from the front, of 300 Ships that Caesar planned to attack their Captial, All were sunk, But the enemy only lost 277 Planes of 4000'' The Man Said

''Wow...Let me Surmise they used a Surprise attack? Did we lose many crew members?'' Caesar asked the man

''No Only some 1840 Died, It was mostly done when they were on land'' He replied

Caesar Nodded, Just then Multiple ships began to make evasive maneuvers.

''What? IS something wrong? Wait...Enemy attack?!'' Caesar shouted ''Tell all ships that the enemy is near us! They must be using Subs!''

''"Yes sir!'''' The Crew shouted back


The sound of Various Torpedoes hitting at once were heard despite being so far away, The saw Many Ships, Mostly Destroyers explode from the pressure, As they slowed down, they began to sink at unheard of speeds, In 2 Hours they lost 200 Destroyers, most crews died from the explosions, They only confirmed to have during the hunt for German Subs, some 4 or 5 Submarines sunk.

Caesar was unhappy at the Fact that the enemy pulled off such a attack, he knew they had bad anti-Sub technology, but that was because they were mostly a Surface fighting Navy, So this was not a occurrence to happen.

The Gra Valkans were now ready for another enemy attack, meaning if they attacked again, they would be destroyed.

Wolf Pack 1, same time

As the other wolf packs went away, it stayed, it reloaded their rounds and aimed again at the supply ships.It still had 120 Torpedoes left, As they fired salvo after salvo, they sunk more than 100 Supply and repair ships, Making the enemy suffer dearly in the long run, As they pulled away they saw the ocean filled with smoke and flames, The Crews of the ships smiled.

They were known as 'The Water Devil Pack' Because they always, always got their ship, they sunk well over 1 million tons worth of Supplies or warships since 1939, They were some of the best you could find.

They went away to Base in Esthirant, And as they did, their terror continued long after they went away, As they left the Radio Keep sending them 10 Subs the same Message.

''The Hell were you thinking?! Thats 1500 Ships! You could have been all killed!''

But they could not deny that Germany had dealt them a serious blow that would affect them later on.

'Iwo Jima' February 22nd 1644

General Lutz Spoke to his men on the Radio, He knew the enemy was now only 4 hours away from him, He would show his 40 000 Men A true battle, one where each man died a Noble a Brutal death.

''Men the Enemy is upon us soon, we are to make him feel the pain they wish to make upon our very own People, Make God bless us a Swift death, Make your Soul Bitter and full of Hatred, Make each bullet kill that poor bastard, We will make this battle so savage, so brutal, that they will see no choice other than withdraw for their survival'' He said ''Let's show his the Iron Will of a Iron people!''

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