End of Lauria

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Kingdom of Lauria, royal capital Jin Hark,7PM April 8th 1639

As the Tigers looked at the city,Guderian looked tired,who can blame him,for 2 days he didn't sleep,just to see this city in all it's broken glory,as he drank his coffee,he smiled

''Ah Coffee,a man's true love when tired''he said''Driver,are we ready?''

''Yes Marshal!''said the driver

''Good,begin the attack,Operation Typhoon ends today''he said

as the orders were relayed,500 Tigers and 30 000 men began to push forward,at the same time 1000 75mm Light weight artillery fired at the walls,it was a strong attack,and within moments they saw the 7000 Calvary of Lauria charge at them.

Hans with the advance units took out his gun and began to fire with with platoon,after about 1000 were killed by the infantry,the Tigers fired their 88mm anti-everything guns right into their formation,killing all in it's path,save for one man that took shell after shell and still stood strong,but soon he was captured by the German Infantry.With only 33 000 men facing them,the Germans after the initial barrage and attack,the German began to enter the city

Laurian side,Castle

The last General,Rand was angry,the Germans using what he believed was Papaldian weapons attacked them and in just 10 minutes killed all their Calvary and 4000 of their best infantry,now the Germans were pushing into the city at a steady pace,expected to reach the Castle in about 1 hour.

''Damn these Germans! I'll make them Pay!''said Rand

he pointed to a messanger

''tell all men to keep attacking these Germans,and use civilians as shields if they must''said Rand

''Yes sir!''the man said as he left

Rand was a vile man,a man that fate will not let live.


the distant sounds of battle was heard,as they inched closer ad closer to the Castle,the Germans found more and more soldier either giving up or fighting to the last man.

German advance unit,8PM

Hans was inside a small building,he and his squad just took it over,it wasn't even 2 hours and most of the city save for the castle was under their rule,and the loses were low,about 31 500 of Laurians were either dead or POWs and little under 7000 Citizens were killed.

As Hans Took a small break from the push,he heard something,acting on his 5 years of Training he jumped behind a table and aimed his gun at the sound,But what he saw made his heart sank at what he saw

Kids,2 Boys no older than 8 looked at him with terror,as he saw them looked scared he put his gun down and sighed.

''Hey,hey It's ok i won't hurt you,I'm here to help''said Hans

the kids still looked scared,Hans crouched down to their eye level

''My name is Hans,I'm a German soldier,I won't bite''he said as he took off his helmet''What are your names?''

''I'm Clovis and that is my Brother Martin''Clovis said,as he finished his Stomach gurgled

''Hungry? Here i have just the thing for you''Hans said as he took out a big piece of Chocolate

''what is that?''Martin said in a curious tone

''This is Chocolate,My father makes them in his factory,Here you can have it''Hans said as he gave the 2 boys each a piece

As they ate it,their faces lit up with happiness,Hans laughed

''It is good?''he asked

''Mhm Yes!''the boys said

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