we have some Troubles

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Fenn,June 1st 1639

"So, that is Germany's famous warship...It almost look like a castle." Sword King Shihan uttered to himself, unintentionally voicing his inner thoughts. "How ludicrous, even considering the information we received before from Gahara, for a metal ship this big to float..."

Knight-Captain Magreb agreed, "I've been to the Papaldia Empire numerous times, and I've never seen any ships as large as that one."

Floating before them was the SMS Bismarck from the Imperial German Navy.

"My king,the German ship should begin attacking our decommissioned ships any minute now."

At the Sword King's personal request,Germany's Ministry of Foreign Affairs had begged, "We want to show our strength to them." This was the IGN's answer. In addition to the Bismarck, Fenn's four decommissioned ships were also there, set adrift to be targets. They were about 8 km away from the 'terror of the seas''. Sword King Shihan was watching the exercise through a telescope. The attack would be executed by a kind of boat called a "Battleship" it seemed.

He saw smoke rise from the German ship, then he heard the booms a moment later. BOOM... Four shots from it's forward turrets fired at once. Immediately afterwards, the target ships were rocked by fierce explosions and spray and debris shot up into the air. All four targets had been blown up and sunk.To all it looked like the German were experts when the reality was that salvo was a test shot,which hit,the Germans were shock that they hit in their first salvo

"...... This... I'm speechless... How puissant..."

The Sword King's staff who formed the backbone of the Kingdom of Fenn could only stare in amazement at the power that completely upended their previously-held concepts of war. One ship easily sank four other ships. Furthermore, it fired from over 8km away. Even in the superpower Papaldia, it was likely that no one could determine how this was possible as their maximum range was only half of that.

"As soon as possible, resume negotiations regarding diplomatic relations with Germany. A non-aggression treaty goes without saying, but, if possible, a security treaty as well," declared the Sword King, smiling.

SMS Bismarck

The Battleship Bismarck noticed something on its radar: numerous flying objects coming from the west. Their speed was about 350 km/h, and there were 20 of them in close formation. They informed command.

"There's a country west of here, right? The Papaldia Empire?"

"Yes, sir."

Ludwig felt the feeling of battle in his heart.

"Were they invited to Fenn's Military Festival?"

"I think they were, but... let me check, just in case."

''Well in any case order all AA to aim for them just as a precaution,this could be Singapore all over again''said Ludwig

the SMS Bismarck began to turn it's secondaries and AA to the new arrivals

Skies of Amanoki

The twenty wyvern lords belonging to the Papaldia Empire's imperial oversight army had come to Amanoki, the capital city of the Kingdom of Fenn, to conduct a punitive strike. There were military officers from many different countries outside the civilized area at the Military Festival. In order to demonstrate what happens to a country that dares to defy the empire, they purposely chose to attack during the festival in front of all these officers. This would engrave the power of the empire in the minds of all those countries. It would also serve as an example of the damage that could result from provoking the empire, or even just associating with a country that had done so.

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