They broke their hug and entwined their hands, Jalilah turned and that was when her eyes fell into his, "Oh, Yazeed. Oh my god, I'm embarrassed." She palmed her face and Farha turned to look at him. She had forgotten that they were together with Yazeed.

She gasped and smacked Jalilah so hard on her back, "Jalilah! Wallah, you aren't lying when you said his handsomeness is on another level, oh my god, how do you cope seeing him every day? Hi, Yazeed!" This girl had got to be the most outspoken person he had ever met in his life, there was no way Farha would hide something from her mind, and he found that amusing. Even though Jalilah was straightforward too at times, she wasn't this outspoken about her thoughts like Farha.

He smiled and nodded his head, "I don't know how she's coping, but so far she's a good girl, once broke some rules but that was the last time she did that." He teased while he stared at a now pouting, shy, and embarrassed Jalilah. He knew she wanted nothing but to choke Farha to death, maybe after she killed her she would cry about the loss.

Farha laughed and turned to look at Jalilah, "My girl is good. Can we get into the house?" She turned to him and he softly shook his head.

"I'd find a hotel first, we're spending only a day. I'll be back after I've rested and done some work, she pulled me out of the house knowing so well I have a meeting today." He turned to Jalilah with the safest expression she had ever seen on his face. As if she was a nagging wife, whom he happened to love so much to the point that if she said yes, no matter how he wanted it to be no, he wouldn't change that for her.

"But you promised, Yazeed. Didn't I apologize, please?" She whined, turning away from him.

Farha giggled and clapped her hands, "I'm seeing wonders today, girl, you've never told me any of this." She smiled and turned to Yazeed, "I'll be back inside if you're done with her if she's able to convince you to add another day, or maybe you'd want to run away from her whines and agree to it, she can find me inside. Please come for your lunch, don't buy food outside. As for the hotel, I'll recommend Daktad, they have the best services. I know there's even a hotel over there, but you should go there, truly." She didn't wait for any of them to reply her when she made one of those funny surprising sounds and walked back into the house, Jalilah had never told her any of this. Was it because she was the dumbest girl on earth not to realize it or what?

After Farha walked back into the house, Yazeed looked at a pouting Jalilah that was doing all she could not stare at him and he smiled, "Come here, why are you sulking your face?" He waved at her, he was still leaning on his car while she was a few feet away from him.

She looked at him but didn't make any effort to move, "Jalilah, come here. I promise to listen to you as long as you have reasons to stay." He waved again, motioning for her to come over which she reluctantly did. She stood beside him and fixed her eyes on the ground, fidgeting with her fingers that he feared someday she would break her fingers herself. "Someday, you'd break your fingers, and sadly, you can't paint then." She looked up and their eyes met before he lifted one brow and nodded, "Yes, they'd break someday, and I'd make sure you're not taken to the hospital until after a day so you'd take care of them next time."

She groaned and stomped her feet on the ground, "Please, Yazeed, you know we aren't just going to speak about my fingers, right? You have to fulfil what you've promised to."

He fully turned to face her and she was finding it so hard to look into his eyes, "I said that unless you have your good reasons, we're leaving tomorrow."

Suddenly, she looked up with a mischievous grin on her lips, "What if you leave, and I'd call Jibril to bring me back to Lagos? He said he'd be coming to Lagos today, I'm sure he'd be here tomorrow if I..." The knock she felt on her head was what cut her words off and she wailed, "Yazeed, why do you have to be this violent?" She placed her hand on the crown of her head and when she looked up, he was looking right into her eyes.

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