11: The Beauty Goddess

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They kept exchanging texts with Farha because she had told her that she was together with Wafiyya and there was no way she would have a phone call with her, knowing fully that nothing could stop Farha from insulting him. When they arrived at the house, Jalilah thought she wasn't nervous until she set her feet down from the car and figured out after three days of not seeing him, she was finally going to do that today. This was the longest she had ever taken without seeing Yazeed, and she didn't feel like she was missing him so badly to the point that she might need an oxygen provider. She was doing fine, in fact, she didn't want to see him.

Wafiyya noticed her reluctance and smiled before she entwined their hands, "Come on, you'll be fine. You're going to sleep for now, before the guests fully arrive and I'll wake you up." Oh yeah, if she was going to sleep then she had no reason to be anxious. She was just going to be herself. To hell with him, even if she would be seeing his face on every person she met in this house, she trusted herself to be fine afterward.

They walked inside the house and when Jalilah saw the number of people, she wondered how many guests they had invited for Wafiyya to say when the guests fully arrive. Weren't they full now? They wanted an addition or what? She kept smiling fleetingly to whoever they had brisk eye contact with, and whoever Wafiyya stopped and greeted, she did as well. Before they walked into the house, Wafiyya too her somewhere.

"Jalilah, this is my mother. Ummah, this is the Jalilah I was telling you about." She mentioned as she pointed at each of them. Jalilah ducked her head down with a shy smile on her lips. She knew she was outspoken, but whenever she was in a new company, she had always felt uncomfortable, and that was fine too. She had always been easy on herself, never forced herself to do something she found so hard doing. She gave herself time to do whatever she wanted on her own time.

Ummah, as Wafiyya called her stretched out her hand for a shake with the most welcoming smile she had ever seen. She took the hand in reluctance and smiled at her, "Good morning, Ummah."

Ummah nodded her head and turned to look at Wafiyya, "Good morning, Jalilah. She's so beautiful, Masha Allah. Wafiyya takeover inside and make sure she eats whatever she wants please." Jalilah thanked her before they walked away and she nudged Wafiyya's shoulder.

"You don't look so much like her, I thought I'd see a carbon copy." She smiled and Wafiyya turned to her with a smile on her lips as well.

"Oh, yes. I look so much like my late dad, I'll show you a picture of him later." Her voice dropped down at the mention of her late dad and immediately related to her pain.

"May Allah has mercy on their souls, mine died like years ago too. It's always sad when you remember them, and it doesn't matter how many times it takes, you'll forever miss them." Wafiyya wasn't able to reply to her when she bumped into someone and her phone that was in her hand fell on the floor.

She gasped before she crouched down to take her phone, that was when she noticed the feet. She knew something insignificant as feet shouldn't be what she would first realize in a person, but she had this weird thing of knowing your feet if she met you more than thrice. Maybe it was because when she first met with someone, she found it so hard to look into that person's eyes until she was fully comfortable with him or her, and that was what happened with Yazeed.

She took her phone and before she stood up, she remembered all that Farha had warned her to do and not do. Even now that she was alone with these cousins, she could hear Farha's voice as she screamed to her, 'Ignore his sick ass, girl! If you make a mistake, just one mistake, I'd disown you!' She stood to her feet and examined her phone, not making the mistake of looking his way, he had still not moved away, she wondered why.

"What's wrong? The screen got damaged, right?" Wafiyya asked as she moved forward to take a closer look. Maybe he was still waiting to see if the screen had gotten damaged so he could act like the rich man he thought he was, okay, maybe he didn't just think he was rich, he was rich, they all knew. Maybe he was going to collect the phone and repair it for her? And if that happened, if she gave him the phone, please just take her to the court and cut all her ties with Farha, add up with a restriction order.

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