15: The Flight Game

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She was sleeping when the shrilling sound of her phone woke her up. She groaned softly and with her eyes closed, Jalilah pulled her phone from underneath her pillow and slide the answer button. "Hello?" She slurred, wanting nothing but to close her eyes back and sleep until she felt exhausted to sleep. She had spent almost all the night packing her clothes, and packing had always been a hideous task for her.

"You're still asleep?" His morning husky voice echoed in her ears, she didn't know when jerked upright and her eyes opened immediately.

"Oh my god, am I late? Please, say I'm not." He chuckled, even though her hear was erratically beating beneath her chest, Jalilah knew his morning chuckle will be the best she will ever hear in her life.

"Yes, you're not, Jalilah. But you will be, any minute from now. You can't still be sleeping, barely two hours left." Her eyes immediately wandered to her wall clock while she was already pulling down from her bed.

"Come on, why didn't you wake me up since? I thought you promised that you'd do that?" She asked, stretching her body while she stifled a yawn.

"I packed too, miraculously overslept, something I've never done in my life. I woke up thirty minutes ago and figured out you might still be asleep, that's why I decided to call you." He said and she could point a finger at the tiredness that was dripping from his voice.

"You seem tired too, why can't we sleep some more? Maybe wake up again in the next thirty minutes?" She suggested, while already stripping off from her sleeping gown, because she didn't have to wait for his reply, it was an automatic no, she knew.

"Khadija, do you want to go to Adamawa or not? I can as well go about my businesses." She rolled her eyes as if he could see her and pinned her phone to left her with her shoulder while she moved around the room, trying to get her things together.

"I was just saying, I know you won't agree anyways. So, I'll wait for your call if you're here."

"One minute of wait..." He let his words trailed off and Jalilah scoffed.

"You don't have to threaten me, Yazeed. I know, you'll leave, not to Adamawa because I should forget about going to Lagos, I've heard this threat enough to have it memorized." He laughed and ended the call without answering her. When she pulled the phone away from her ear, she grinned, because she felt the joy that had filled her heart was too much for just a smile. She couldn't believe she just had an early morning call with Yazeed and they acted as if this was all natural for them.

She moved directly to her kitchen with her towel wrapped around her body, putting some things right, she walked back to her bedroom and immediately went to have her shower. She got ready in no time, afraid that if he came and she wasn't ready when he came, as much as she knew she was only trying to burst her bubbles with the threat, she wanted to make sure she didn't do anything wrong. Because she had the big deal waiting for them.

She was having her breakfast when she heard her phone ringing, she needn't to check her phone because she knew he was the one. She wrapped her veil around her head and walked out, wearing one of her most beautiful smiles. She met him in his car, and by Allah, even though she had spent some moments with him yesterday, he looked exceptional. As if this was the first time she was seeing him in months.

"Hey!" She excitedly waved at him and moved to his window. "Good morning," she greeted, leaning onto his swung window, Yazeed smile at her.

"Good morning to you too, should we leave?" He asked, and she shook her head.

"I was just taking my breakfast, you came early, Yazeed." There was a whiny tone laced on her voice, he undeniably found that alluring.

"Go ahead and finish it then..." He brought up his hand and checked the time on his wristwatch, "I've given you just ten minutes, after that, I'll be gone." He ended his words with a wide teasing grin and she pouted before she looked away.

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