20: Angry Bestfriend

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She didn't know how she had slept this long, maybe because she had so much in her mind and she tends to sleep so much whenever she was feeling down? Stifling a yawn, Jalilah stretched her body on the sofa and looked at the wall clock on the wall. What? It was already thirty minutes past 4 in the evening. How could she have slept this long? She closed her eyes and was glad that she had slept because if not for what had happened to Yazeed, she would have sleep immediately after she was back because of the spa she had eased her muscles. Speaking of him, she had forgotten about him and Jalilah immediately stood up.

She walked to the room and knocked when there was no response, she barged into the room. She met him praying on the praying mat, he had already taken his bath again and from the way he prayed, it was evident he was still sick, he was just being strong. She rushed to the bathroom, performed her ablution before she walked back to the room and sprayed the other mat behind him. She began praying behind him and when they were done, she stood up and offered the ones she had missed. He was still on the prayer mat after she was done and she coughed softly to get his attention on her.

He wearily turned to look at her, "How are you feeling now?" She asked, and he nodded his head at her. She watched as he stood up and when he took the carpet to fold, she offered to do that for him. Yazeed went back to the bad and he sat down at its edge, he was still sick and talking proved to be hard for him.

She folded the prayer mats and came to the bed, "Maybe you can't speak, right? I'd order for our lunch now, you can lay down for a bit before it arrives, I'll come in with the food when it does. Do you have the medicine you need? I'd get it for you if you don't have it here anymore." Even though she was speaking tentatively at him without staring at his face, this was the greatest kind of care Yazeed had ever received in a long time now.

He looked up at her, but she refused to have eye contact with him. He nodded his head and watched as she left the room, leaving the door slightly ajar because she made it clear to him that he can call her if he needed something. He took his phone from the nightstand and saw numerous missed calls from Wafiyya and Sulaiman, which sadly made him smiled. Funny how all his life he had relented on these two people, they were the only ones that cared about him. And now, he could proudly add Jalilah to their list. Another call came from Sulaiman even before he dialled his number.

"Hey, Man. How are you feeling now?" Sulaiman asked the moment Yazeed picked the phone.

"I'm feeling much better now. Thanks for getting that inhaler for me, I thought I wouldn't need it anymore, guess I was wrong." He had seen when Sulaiman snuck the inhaler into his trolley but he acted as if he didn't because he didn't want his efforts to be in vain.

"But, Yazeed, what have you done? I know that you won't be like this unless you've instigated it." Sulaiman pointed it and he knew that this question would come from any of them.

"I went to the gym," he slurred and stopped to take his breath, "I had a lot of things to think about, and I thought that the gym will make me feel better. I guess I was bad." He closed his eyes, feeling how hard it was for him to take his breath.

"But you know there are things you can't do, right? Yes, I know going to the gym and lifting weights isn't a problem, but you can't do that when you have a lot of thing on your mind. Why do you always want to risk your life, Yazeed?" It was evident that Sulaiman was pissed at him for doing that to himself. But there was nothing he could do, he had a lot of things in his mind, and it got choked up with the past life he so badly wanted to push out of his life as if it never, but when everything threatened to knock his breath out, he suggested he transferred his aggression to the weights.

Before he spoke to Sulaiman again, the door got turned again and she walked in with the tray in her hand, her eyes fixed on the floor she marched on. She moved further until she stood in front of him, where he was lying on the bed with his back being supported by the bed head. She placed the tray on the bedside drawer and sat beside him, making sure he there was enough distance between them.

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