29: Revelations Of Love

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She didn't know what had happened, she couldn't say how it happened. Everything had been so choked up for her that even though she was supposed to be happy about the competition she had won, happy that she had given her soul what she wanted since she knew what loving something meant, happy that she didn't lie to her mother, it became a fruitful lie, but she wasn't as happy as she thought she would be. She didn't know what changed him, he wasn't his old self anymore. Talking about his old self would be much easier, she hardly recognized who he was now. She didn't see him, and even if she did, the way he looked gave her no chance of uttering a word to him. Jalilah had spent days wondering what was wrong with Yazeed, if he was thinking about his mother and sister he should at least let her know, maybe she could do something about it, maybe she could help him to the best of her ability.

But sadly, she knew it wasn't just about Ummi and Amina, what had changed him was beyond that. Was it why he apologized to her that day? Was it why he had kissed her on her forehead knowing there was no way he could look at her face again? It was as clear as the morning sky, Yazeed was avoiding her with all it took, he didn't want to be in her company. Hell, he even cringed if she spoke to him. That was why she stopped doing all that, that was why she kept her lane. And today, they were finally going back to Abuja, she didn't know what that meant.

These past three months had been a rollercoaster for her, she couldn't say exactly what they meant to her or point out a finger at one emotion to say she fully developed it through those months. There was a time she was in so much grief that she didn't think she could come out of alive. But then there were times she was so happy, excited to even believe she had been in that so much pain. And there were times she felt as if she wasn't the one because he made her heart did the things she had never felt in her life. Yazeed was a mixture of all good and bad in her life, she just wasn't sure which outweighed the other yet.

'You two are in love.' There was never a second which had passed without her feeling these words echoing through the walls of her mind. And each time she sat down and wondered what Farha meant if she had seen what she told her, she came out of it blank. Because she couldn't see the love in the way Yazeed treated her. She might admit that he showed her care, he was attentive to him if he wanted to. He was nice to her when he felt like, laugh with her, smile at her to the point that she knew his smile had melted a huge part of her heart. If he felt like it, Yazeed sat with her and have a deep conversation that she would feel as though she had known him for all the years of her life, but that wasn't the only part he had.

That wasn't the only version of Yazeed.

There was a version of Yazeed that could hurt her to the point that she would have a sudden urge of giving up on life itself. There was a version of Yazeed that whenever he spoke to her, she would wish that he ignored her existence at a whole and never looked back. There was a version of him that hated her, was disgusted by her, despised her to the point that a word from him crushed every good thing she had accommodated in her soul. There was also a part of him that didn't like to stare at her face, hated it when she spoke to him so he made sure she didn't see him at all. There was a part of him that even if she saw him, spoke to him, initiated a conversation, Yazeed would act as if she wasn't there. As if she didn't mean anything to him, which she sadly knew. She didn't mean anything to him. Just that when he wanted to be the good version of himself, he tended to forget what he looked like, what he made her feel, how bitter he tasted, on days he wanted to become her ruination.

She softly turned to look at him, he was seated beside her in the plane but one could tell she was a total stranger to him. Now she wondered about it, she wondered if she wasn't that as well. But she knew she was more than a stranger to Yazeed. Even though she didn't accept his offer of being his friend, she knew she wasn't a stranger to him. He had held her hands, laughed with her, smiled at her, cried on her shoulder. There were even times he ate with her, most of the times. There were times they cooked together, times he held the phone for her as she cooked, times they conversed like soulmates and he wiped her tears away. Hell, he had a pinky promise with her, he felt bothered whenever she didn't speak to him and had her lips pouted at one thing he did or the other. They painted together, he told her he loved her paint. He helped her fixed back her veil, he made her feel safe, hell, he even played the piano for her while she danced ballet.

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