26: Soul Therapy

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She wished she could turn back the hands of time and spend two more days with Farha, it turned out after so much begging, Yazeed let her stay for those two days. It was the happiest she had been in a very long time, and right now that she was standing by the car, not being able to get into it was the toughest she had felt. She wanted to ask him for another day but she knew it wouldn't be possible, they all sacrificed something for the other, Farha hadn't gone for her work too. She hugged her once again and this time, Farha pushed her into the car and smiled.

"Whenever I get the chance to come to Lagos, I will, Jalilah. And even if you've gone back to Abuja or Adamawa by then, I'll still come, okay?" Jalilah nodded her head and they bade each other farewell before Yazeed drove off.

Jalilah turned to him and sighed, "I'm missing her already." She whispered, and looked so down that Yazeed wished if he could, he would take her back. But she had to go back, she had a lot of things she started and had to finish.

"Maybe before we leave back to Abuja you can visit her again if she doesn't get the chance to." He said with his eyes fixed on the road and Jalilah turned to look at him with a sheepish grin.

"Really? Promise?" He nodded his head at her and smiled, "Yes, it's a promise. But it won't be fulfilled unless you become a very good girl, okay?" She nodded her head like a little girl and promised that she would be the good girl he wanted her to be.

Their drive back to Lagos was filled with silence, as both of them had something on mind to think of. Jalilah had something there was something off with Farha, as if she was hiding something from her which was also about her. It was as if she knew that something was wrong with her, or something would be wrong with her but she didn't want her to worry about it and she kept it to herself. She knew if it got to the point that Farha wouldn't let it to herself anymore, Jalilah was sure she would tell her and also the best way to take care of herself.

And for Yazeed, he didn't know what was wrong with him, he wanted to talk to someone, the kind of deep conversation that he can pour half, if not all his fears. The questions Farha had asked him and also his way of answer had been engraved in his memory, he was afraid. What if he answered himself? What would he do? There was no way that could happen and whatever it was, he had to stop it. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he would have to do it for his sanity. There were things he couldn't risk for anything or anyone I this world.

She turned to him after they had arrived in Lagos and smiled, "We're so fast now, was it because you weren't disturbing me about how I'm sulking my face like when we were going to Abeokuta?" He wondered how little things pleased Jalilah. She was easily amazed and she could be happy by the little things about her.

"You aren't being angry today, even though you're sad but sometimes your silence is good." He loved her silence. Even though whenever she was silent he thought that something was wrong with her, but whenever he looked at her face while she was silent she seemed pleased and relaxed.

Silence prevailed between them again, and she held a smile on her lips so gracefully like a mother did to her child. She stared at the road and when she saw them taking a different route even though she wasn't sure about the roads of Lagos, she turned to him. "Where are we going? Or it will also lead us to the estate?" She asked, staring out at the window and loving the cool breeze caressing her skin.

He shook his head, "I'm taking you somewhere, you won't see the light of the day from today." He frowned and when she abruptly turned to look at him, she seemed truly frightened, which made him laugh. "Come on, I was only joking, Jalilah. You know I can't do that, right? And even if I dare do it, Farha will make sure I rot in jail."

She shook her head, as if she wasn't believing what he was saying. "I don't believe you, if not, where are you taking me to? I've never been here." She was looking around and as much as she raked her brain, Jalilah couldn't remember the time they ever followed this way with either him nor David.

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